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East Helena Christmas Stroll Brings Out Hundreds
Author: Nancy Marks, MT43 News Reporter

East Helena News

East Helena Christmas Stroll Brings Out Hundreds

Nancy Marks

MT43 News Reporter

The night was plenty chilly. No matter-- the crowds were shoulder to shoulder and stroller to stroller as shoppers perused booths on Main Street and in City Hall.

According to Jolene Giarde, one of the organizers of the Stroll, over 100 vendors participated in the event. Montana Kettle Korn held court at City Hall's front door while two 4-H groups sold chili dogs and treats. Inside the auditorium vendors from every walk of life sold trinkets, tea towels, handmade knives and carved wooden plaques.

Grace Heslep’s booth in the City Building at the Stroll was filled with cards and prints depicting Montana birds and flowers. Grace, a self-taught artist, didn’t begin her career as an entrepreneur in art sales. She taught K-8 grade schools in Laurel, Montana. Though she has no artists in her family, her mom encouraged her to take lessons at age nine. Grace and her family moved to East Helena eight years ago and shows her art at the Helena Farmers’ Market every year.

Benjamin Gabrial and his wife Christina of the Crafty Bear booth showed unique graphic designs of steers, bears and all sorts of wildlife. Lazer work on wood, metal, concrete and glass are their specialties. Their daughter sold beaded and tie-dye jewelry this year. Upstairs in City Hall were even more booths of artworks and woven goods.

Young parents with toddlers in tow struggled to get through the slow-moving line, but weren’t the toddlers surprised to see The Grinch in costume? Children began somewhat frightened but warmed up to him so they might have a photo taken with him. Costumed participants included vintage choir groups and the jingle-bell lady with lighted pigtails.

Mayor Kelly Harris poured free apple cider and kibbitzed with everyone who stopped for a hot drink. Downtown businesses were open with booths and raffles for strollers. Choirs from Helena and local churches sang all along the route.

Giarde called the night a success. She and volunteers at Valley Bank have organized the event since 1998. The East Helena Business Improvement organization began the idea in the early ‘90s she said. “We’ll begin planning for next year in September,” she sighed.

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks MT43 News Photographer
Image 1 Caption: Benjamin and Christina Gabriel, stationed at their booth in the City Hall Auditorium. Nancy Marks MT43 News Photographer
Image 2 Caption: Artist Grace Heslep shows her cards and prints at the Stroll in East Helena. Nancy Marks MT43 News Photographer
Image 3 Caption: The Grinch must have his spot in the limelight at the Stroll. Nancy Marks MT43 News Photographer
Image 4 Caption: Creative Stitches was open for strollers on Main Street in East Helena. Nancy Marks MT43 News Photographer
Image 5 Caption: The Schramm family at 301 E. Main has been decorating their house for Christmas for many years. Nancy Marks MT43 News Photographer