Who Keeps Turning The Clock / Calendar Faster?
Author: Bill Garwood
Who Keeps Turning the Clock / Calendar Faster?
Can you believe it, the Christmas stroll is over already? Is it just me or does everyone seem to be hurrying a bit too much lately? Fall Fest was just starting to show up…last week? And now our annual Christmas Stroll has come and gone!
How many of you went downtown to the Christmas Stroll? (Put your hands down I can’t really see you.) we went down fairly early, and weren’t disappointed, mostly…the D.J. kept busy however what happened to “Traditional” Christmas music? You know Bingo singing “White Christmas” and all the other GREAT Christmas songs. (“Bingo” would be Bing Crosby.) I heard several…kind of …rap Christmas stuff. In every wonderful store, people were greeting each other as happens every year, but it seemed like THIS year EVERYONE wanted to stop just inside every door and talk, while folks were trying to get inside! C’mon people it’s cold outside and the warm goodies are inside. Please be polite and move aside.
One thing that I have harped about before, but seems to have been corrected, is the great Holiday parade didn’t stop in the middle of the street on mid-Broadway. This is a wonderful thing. People who come down to the stroll want to see each other and give holiday greetings. That is the beautiful thing about the Stroll! The parade though short, was very nicely done. I love seeing our younger folks dressed up and acting as characters from Christmas stories. The warm goodies (that I’m not supposed to eat) were everywhere! Well, it’s the Holidays I can’t be good ALL year round.
Seeing the gazebo all decorated up and set up for Santa is always a treat. Thanks to all who helped decorate the downtown area. There were so many urchins out and about, there will be NO shortage of young’uns to stock the Elementary school for the next century or so. Seeing Families all strolling is a beautiful sight. Where was the great “Roasted Nuts" guy this year? That is always one of my favorites.
Oh also, maybe I just missed it was the horse-drawn hayride going on? So many questions I know. This is all for making a great holiday season. Enjoy my people, stay warm and get your wood in. (don’t get run over by any Reindeer.)