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Annoyances, And People Who Know It All, Or Think They Do!
Author: Bill Garwood

Before Holidays, let me point out those things and people who just rub us the wrong way - as opposed to massage therapists who rub us the RIGHT way.

As I have mentioned before, I like routine: those things that we do every day that are comfortable, so we do them in some semblance of order. In the late afternoon like most of US older people, I like a nap. Just an hour or so but a good deep cat nap is great! And it helps keep you healthy. Afternoon naps help us cope with life in general, however…when the weather is warm, I like the window open but then all the neighborhood “doggies” start to bark and howl. I don’t hate dogs I just don’t like having them yipping and barking all the time! It’s like slowing down in the evening, and the phone rings with telemarketers!

Now, annoying people: there is a “lady” who goes around on TV and meetings who has been married 5 times, but SHE decided to start giving advice on marriage. What? Oh yes, she has had 5 failed marriages and people still go to her, give her money to ask advice. Go into the bathroom, look in the mirror and wipe STUPID off your forehead!

How many folks believe that the “dancing monkeys” in Hollywood really KNOW about running anything in the lives of regular people like us? Just because someone works making believe they are someone else, for a living doesn’t mean they actually understand how we feel, doing our regular work and keeping a household running. Having a family that we don’t send off to live with 3 nannies, who they barely know until they are of age to begin acting like their mommies and Daddies.

Celebrities are celebrated for playing (mostly) real people on TV and in movies. That’s it. They are worrying about where their chai lattes with extra foam and hot but not too hot, are coming from. Bravo Sierra! Live your own life, be real and enjoy the moments when the craziness slows down a bit. Want to ask advice on something? Look around and find the folks who actually do the job or know about what it is you are looking for!