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Town Pump Opens A New Store In East Helena
Author: Nancy Marks, MT43 News Reporter

East Helena News

Town Pump Opens a New Store in East Helena

Nancy Marks

MT43 News Photographer

It is a new day in East Helena. Town Pump, Inc. has opened its new facility on the outskirts of East Helena at 3680 Highway 12.

The new store and Lucky Lil’s Casino hosted an open house on Thursday, Nov. 21. It will replace Town Pump’s former facility on Wiley Drive. Employees at the former location will move to the new location, according to Director of Corporate Communications Bill McGladdery. Town Pump, Inc. has its corporate offices in Butte.

Town Pump opened its first gas station and convenience store in East Helena in 1968. Its store, at So. Lane Street and Hwy 287, will continue to operate. This new facility is the 106th Town Pump.

According to McGladdery the new facility, situated on 15 acres, includes a 22,500-square-foot convenience store with a casino which has a 3,500-square-foot spacious lounge and liquor store. The facility includes an outdoor patio and 20 television screens in its sports bar.

The convenience store features many new grocery items such as different kinds of milk, and staples such as ketchup, cereal and bread. Operations Manager Clancy Forward described the Beer Cave as a spacious 1,600 square foot room filled with local brews as well as the old standbys. He pointed out the upscale food preparation area with an open kitchen where food preparation employees may be seen making those special Town Pump sandwiches and corn dogs.

The facility plans to reach out to over-the-road truckers who need shower stalls and ice for their coolers. Two well-designed shower rooms welcome truckers. In the back room are two huge ice-making machines. There are 24 gasoline pumps in front of the building, along with nine diesel dispensaries behind it. Next spring, RV dump service stations will be available.

Heritage Foods Grocery Manager Doug Carpenter welcomed the new business, saying, “It's Good for them and good for East Helena.”

He did not anticipate a huge effect on his store saying the new convenience store may affect his lunch business for a while, but overall would be good for both businesses.

Editor’s Note: Mt43News will be widening its coverage to include East Helena news in the coming months since many Broadwater County residents work in Helena and have children who attend school in the East Helena School District.

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 1 Caption: The 'Pepsi Guy' Jackson Latzel grins as he shows off his wares at the new Town Pump. Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 2 Caption: Operations manager Clancy Forward points out the many choices of grocery stock the new Town Pump carries. He noted in an interview their grocery prices would be competitive. Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 3 Caption: Food preparation employees are proud of their new kitchen facility. Kitchen Crew from left: Clarissa, Monica, Lisa and Michael Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 4 Caption: Town Pump's new cooler for milk and other dairy products. Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 5 Caption: Early morning at the new Town Pump in East Helena. Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer