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This Day In History - December 31


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

December 31


"Local News”

Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Miller of Diamond spent a few days in town this week.

James Kitto of Radersburg paid Townsend a brief visit Saturday of last week.

Geo. Hossfeld of Crow Creek paid Townsend a short visit Monday.

Wm. Prosser and niece of Deep Creek paid Townsend a visit last Saturday.

Dr. C.W. Smith paid Helena a professional visit Monday.

The Supper New Year Night will be served by the Catholic ladies.

The Ball at the rink Christmas night was well attended and very enjoyable.

Those Townsendites who attended the Christmas dance given by Radersburg I.O.O.F. Lodge, report royal treatment by the several committees and a grand time. Radersburg people have a happy faculty of giving visitors to all social functions treatment that lingers in memory.

Broadway will be a pretty classy street when all the electric light and telephone poles are removed to the alleys – a job nearing completion. The painting of the poles is another scheme of embellishment that meets the approval of artistically inclined residents.


“Canton News”

Eddie Daniels, who is home on his Christmas vacation, motored to Belgrade Saturday night to assist in playing for a dance. He was accompanied by his mother Mrs. C.E. Daniels. Eddie and three other boys from M.S.C. furnish music each Saturday night for the dances at Belgrade. He will return to Bozeman on January 1st again to resume his studies.

Misses Dorothy Gill, Geraldine Hardgrove and Lillian Daniels, all employees in Helena, arrived in Townsend Tuesday evening to spend New Years with their families in Canton Valley and on Cottonwood Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith entertained at dinner on Sunday. Mr. John G. Plymale and daughters, Miss Audra and Doris Plymale and sons, Wayne, Hubert, Laird and Fred Plymale; Mr. and Mrs. Gray P. Keene; Mr. and Mrs. H C. Plymale and son, Paul; Wm. Franklin and F. Loen.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richardson of Fromberg arrived at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiferich, on Christmas Eve and remained until Friday when accompanied by Mrs. Weiferich returned to Fromberg and on Monday of this week they all returned to this valley. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson will spend the New Year holidays with relatives.


“Coloring Contest Winners”

On Christmas Eve, children gathered for an awards ceremony at the Creamery, where they were given certificates and ice cream for placing in a Christmas coloring contest. Placing first in their age categories were Siobahn Flynn, Elishya Konkler, Joshua Bean, Tory Gillespie, Amber Thomas and Kelli Dailey. Second-place winners included Alexis Krueger, Carrie Myers, Slaid Smith, Stephen Wright, Shannon Flynn and Heidi Myers. Judged third in the contest were Laura Bean, Katie Dailey, Jon Thompson, Jacob Little and Matthew Wright. First-place winners were awarded a free ice cream cone a week for a year, and second-place finishers were each given a box of ice cream bars or sandwiches. A panel of independent judges unassociated with the restaurant made the selections.

“Around Town News”

KC and David Johnson, David, Jill and Eric, hosted Christmas dinner for Jean and Barney Johnson and Dale.

Jim and Rusty Etzwiler, Seattle, Wash. Spent a week over Christmas here visiting his mother, Frances Etzwiler. Joining them for Christmas dinner were Ann and Wally Rauser, Mary Debelak and Morgan Michalski Townsend; Nicki Rauser, Helena and Connie Rauser, Tucson, Ariz.

Harry Buckingham, Fort Benton, is here visiting his parents Dick and Jean Buckingham.

Christmas dinner guests of Lynn and Donna Colby were Dorothy Colby; Butch and Diane Colby; Donetta Clark, Kylie and Cody, all of Townsend and Jason and Sara Colby Asherville, N.C.