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This Day In History - December 24
Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

December 24


"Doings of a Week”

Misses May Cotter and Edna Ragen returned Sunday from Dillon, where they are attending the state normal school, to spend the holidays with home folks.

Otha Allen, who is engaged in mining work at Southern Cross near Anaconda, spent Christmas with Townsend friends. He was accompanied by his brother, Truman.

“Hay-Rack Party”

Several loads of young people from the city and country enjoyed another of those popular hay-rack parties Sunday night when they journeyed out to the country home of George Myers and tendered himself and family a little surprise. It was a surprise to George at least, because he was in bed and it was necessary to haul him fourth to greet his guests. That the young folks had heaps of fun and enjoyment goes without saying, the serving of lunch crowning an evening most pleasantly spent.


“Personal News”

Home from the University at Missoula for Christmas are Bill Weed, Ross Bigler and Bill Lasby.

From Carroll College for the vacation come Dan McCarthy, Chas. Ragen and Joe Gabisch.

Mrs. Clinton Holland of Helena has been spending the week here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Hardy and were joined for Christmas by Mr. Holland.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kirscher returned to Townsend Saturday from a two-week honeymoon trip in Seattle and other western points.

Among Montana State College students home for the vacation period are Miss Dale Cook, Eddie Daniels, Joe Kirscher, Kate Berberet, Tom Ellis, Leslie Clark and Ed Conrad.

Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Nash left today for Salt Lake City and from there will go to Pasadena, California to take in the Rosebowl game on New Year’s Day.

Mrs. James W. Kearns had her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ossian F. Taylor of Florence at their home here for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Dan Sullivan had as Christmas day guests, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hehir of Missoula, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jenkins and daughter, Renell, Joe Teller and Miss Nell Sullivan of Helena and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ragen and family of the valley.


“Local Woman is On Hand Monday Night to Double the Value of Grand Prize”

Mrs. Bill Longacre was on hand Monday night when her name was called out as the winner of the $50 grand prize offered by the local Chamber of Commerce and thereby doubling her prize money.

Three drawings were held over the weekend and winners and donors of their gift certificates will be announced in a Chamber of Commerce ad in next week’s Star.

“Local News”

John Poole MMFN, arrived Sunday night by plane from San Francisco, Calif., to spend the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Poole and family.

Bob Thompson, who is stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., arrived here Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. George Lots of Dillon came Tuesday to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Marguerite Petersen, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lots. Marcia arrived last Friday and has been visiting here all week.

Pvt. Jerry Bucy arrived home Sunday via air to spend the holidays with his wife and baby daughter, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bucy and other relatives.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ead Sherwood and family for the Christmas holidays are their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hieb and son, Eric, of Portland, Ore.

“Marnie Sherwood Celebrates Birthday”

Marnie Sherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherwood, was three years old Thursday, Dec. 19, and to celebrate the occasion her mother had a party for her on Saturday afternoon.

The little guests were each presented with a favor and enjoyed games and refreshments.

Invited guests were Merla Sears, Kimmy Poole, Jackie Sautter, Roberta Sturdevant, Lisa Graveley, Robbie Gillespie and Johnny Sautter.


“’96 BHS Yearbook Takes Top National Award”

The Broadwater High School yearbook, Old Baldy, received first place in the 1996 American Scholastic Press Association Awards. Themed “Livin on the Edge”, the yearbook racked up the maximum number of points in the creativity, content presentation and general page design categories. The book was also judged on publication structure and general photography.

Crystal Dowling and Angie Vose were student editors for the 1996 edition. Mary Duede is the yearbook advisor. The staff will receive a first-place award certificate and an honors listing in American Scholastic Journalist.

“I’m proud of the 1996 staff and their achievement,” said Duede. “Each year, with continued development in desktop publishing, the students create wonderful books. Probably the most valuable result of entering this competition is the detailed critique the judges send us. We will use their comments to try and improve our 1997 yearbook.”