This Day In History - December 19
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
December 19
"Doings of a Week”
Geo. Ramspeck left this week for the south to take up his yearly sheep shearing contracts and will gradually work back north and finally wind up in Montana again late next spring.
Crandall & Wright shipped in 100 head of horses Sunday night, unloading Monday morning. They will feed them here this winter for shipment to Canada and other points in the spring.
Telephone your grocery orders to the Townsend Merc. Co. Nothing but the best. Phone 24.
Mrs. J.R. Marks was in from the farm Tuesday doing a little Christmas shopping with the Townsend merchants.
The Townsend House has recently installed city water in the building and the patrons now have hot and cold water at their service.
“Peggy Bridgewater Gets Nurse’s Cap”
Miss Peggy Bridgewater is home for two weeks of vacation which came at the close of her first course in training at the Deaconess School of Nursing in Great Falls at which time she received her nurse’s cap. Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bridgewater, her aunt, Mrs. Edith Fox and cousin, Phyliss Fox, attended the ceremony after which she accompanied them to Townsend.
“Radersburg News”
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barraugh and family were shopping in Townsend one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and sons, Albert, Jr. and Charles Lee, and Miss Jean McLeod of the valley were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris and family in Radersburg Friday evening.
“Crow Creek News”
Christmas shoppers in Helena on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. John Jarosh.
Earl Webb is on an extended visit to Blocton, Iowa in the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Harvey.
Mrs. Edith Fox was a visitor at the Crow Creek school on Thursday and also left a number of “fight tuberculosis” lead pencils for the pupils to sell. The pupils sold so many that they had to send for more to fill the popular demand for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Massa spent Sunday and Monday visiting in Butte.
“Miss Sandi Ewing Graduates from Airlines School”
Miss Sandi Ewing arrived home Friday, Dec. 13, after completing a course of study in the Airlines School of Denver. Sandi was training to be a reservationist and plans to go into that line of work in Denver following the holidays.
At graduation exercises which were held last Thursday, Dec. 12, she was chosen Miss Congeniality of the school and for her trophy was awarded a model of a United Airlines plane.
“More Winners Named; Last Three Drawings on Friday, Saturday, Monday”
Only three of the ten gift certificate winners doubled their prizes last Friday, Dec. 13, at the Chamber of Commerce’s second Christmas Shopping Spree drawing of the season. Those who were present and thereby doubled their $5 gift certificate were: F.J. Kenney, Coast-to-Coast; Edmun Shuman, State Bank of Townsend; and Dick Buckingham, Green’s Market.
Winning $5 certificates were: Ray Campbell, Francisco Pharmacy; Darlene Zentner, Gambles; Rose Barringer, Bob’s Superette; Leslie Toney, Fryhling’s; Marion Kitto, Neifert-White; Marcel Turcotte, Green’s Dry Goods; and Sandra Peterson, the Mint Café.
Three drawings remain in the Spree. They will be held on the evenings of Friday, Dec. 20, Saturday, Dec. 21 and Monday, Dec. 23. The names of the winners will be read at 8:00 p.m. for the remainder of the drawings.
For a grand prize this year, the Chamber is putting up $50 in cash, and again, if the winner is present, the prize will be doubled. This drawing will climax the Chamber’s “buy at home” promotion for the season.
“Around Town News”
Sunday Bernice Cartwright attended the children’s Christmas program at the Methodist Church and potluck that followed it.
Ron Morrison, Helena, and Virgil Binkley, Townsend were recent dinner guests of George and Emma Morrison.
Jean Buckingham was an overnight guest last week in Helena at the home of her daughter and grandchildren, Betsy Riley, Jessie and Josh.
Aubra Lewis recently hosted the Women of Evangelical Lutheran Church at her home. Locals attending were Helen Irey, Sigrid Wood, Irene Nielsen, Emily Gillespie, Sharon Borer, Edith Rosgaard, Marge Urich, Brittnay and Quinn, Helen Burmaster and club president, Jan Stocks.