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Notes From Nd
Author: Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent

Notes from ND

Mikayla Kraft

School Correspondent

Thanksgiving is coming up, and during the little free time I had, I did what every single person does at the start of the Holidays. I pondered all of the recent changes that have happened and every single thing I am thankful for. Obviously, this doesn’t come to mind for most people unless you are at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, but for those who don’t have a secure lifestyle yet or have been going through intense changes, this thought isn’t uncommon.

I am thankful for the short time that I have spent at NDSU. I have made friends that will last a lifetime, found a community of Christians my age that I can grow with during my time on campus, learned what independence looks like, started a life of my own, grown an appreciation for the way I was raised, and so much more. All of these things have helped me to continue to mature as a young adult.

In addition, on the 27th, I fly back to Montana and will be in the Townsend/Helena area for only two and a half days. This will be my first trip back since I moved onto the NDSU campus. Not only am I incredibly thankful to be able to go home for even only a few days to see my family, but I am also thankful that it has been at little expense to me. Mom and Dad offered to pay for a two-way flight to Montana and back, the only thing I would need to pay for being overnight parking at the airport.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you,” Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. This year has been filled with endings, tears, and a wide range of negative emotions, but through it all, there was joy and peace. I barely remember the negative times in this past year, but these positives stick out clearly. This one is for the 2025 seniors. Be thankful for everything you have gotten to experience this year. It goes by fast, but these will be moments to be thankful for for many years to come.