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Broadwater Bulldog Cross-country Awards
Author: MT43 News Sports Reporter

MT43 News Sports Reporter

The Broadwater Bulldog cross-country team wrapped up their season with their award banquet on Tuesday. Longtime coach, Brooke Dolan, called this group of ten boys and nine girls a special team that “truly cares about each other, whether that be cheering each other’s achievements or consoling a bad day”.

Constant improvement was the theme of the season, as personal records were eclipsed many times over. It is hard to compare week-to-week in cross-country as the course and conditions can vary greatly. However, 2024’s season had the unique advantage of running the same course in Missoula at the Mountain West Classic and the State Competition in nearly identical conditions exactly one month apart. The men’s team averaged an improvement of 54 seconds, while the ladies improved by an astonishing 1:51.

This team just kept working, which assistant coach, Louis Ingalls equated to success in life beyond running. Setting that example of persistence and determination were the incredible group of seniors: Kaden Bruins, Nolan Flynn, Grace Kroeger, Ross MacDonald, Scarlett McDaniel and Kaelyn Sangray.

One of the most difficult accomplishments in fall sports is to stand on the podium at the completion of the state cross-country meet; the top 15 runners automatically earn all-state honors with that feat. A look at the numbers: 337 boys and 253 girls competed in class B this year, which means the top 4-5 percent earn this honor. Townsend had three atop the podium this season: Kyla Meissner, Elaine MacDonald, and Nolan Flynn.

Each of these athletes who trained more than 300 miles in preparation for 30 miles of racing during a short 2 ½ month season each deserves an award but a few notable mentions. Bulldog Award recipients define Bulldog Cross-country, who show spirit through their perseverance and work ethic. The Bulldog Award was presented to Kaden Bruins and Elaine MacDonald. Teamwork is what defines the Team Award, granted to those who serve as secondary coaches and who are always “doing the right thing even when no one is looking”. The Team Award was bestowed to Gavin Green and Kaelyn Sangray.

The men’s MVP Award was earned by Nolan Flynn, who coach Dolan says was “one of the smartest runners I’ve ever coached”. Ever the determined runner, Nolan’s last regular season race saw him breaking the school record by a remarkable 30 seconds! The women’s MVP Award was given to Kyla Meissner, a sophomore who coach Dolan’s “expectations of her are endless”. Lastly, the Lifetime Bulldog Award was presented to Ross MacDonald who is “a quiet force who brings kindness and friendship to the team”. Ross’s senior season was his seventh as a Bulldog XC runner, as it was also for Kaelyn Sangray.

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PhotoCredit: MT43 News Sports Reporter
Image 1 Caption: Kaden Bruins, Gavin Green, Nolan Flynn, and Ross MacDonald show their hard-earned awards. MT43 News Sports Reporter
Image 2 Caption: Kaelyn Sangray, Kyla Meissner, and Elaine MacDonald celebrate their 2024 XC season. MT43 News Sports Reporter