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Veteran's Day Celebration At The American Legion
Author: Matt Nelson

Veteran's Day Celebration at the American Legion

Matt Nelson

Post Commander Linda Cousineau welcomed everyone then chaplain, Larry Westfall, offered a prayer. Linda Cousineau then addressed everyone regarding commemorating the service of our veterans: “On this day, Veterans Day, we are commemorating the service of veterans of all wars. We remember how men and women set aside their civilian pursuits to serve their nation’s cause, defending the freedom of mankind and preserving our precious American heritage."

Auxiliary President Debbie Westfall and Acting Vice Commander Richard Heida then spoke about the veteran's fighting in the foreign wars.

Debbie Westfall: “The waging of war involves more than just the combatants who fight to the death on the field of battle. The fighting forces begin at the fireside and in the hometowns. The repercussions of war’s terrible brutality have chilled the heart and dimmed the hopes and dreams of many a loved one left behind on the home front."

Richard Heida: “If there be glory in war, it is the almost incredible spirit which it engenders"

Janet Wagner: " “The hurts of war fall alike upon those who wear the same uniform, no matter how they may differ in race, creed or culture. Those who fight together suffer together to achieve a common aim."

Tony Wagner: “Courage is one of the virtues born of war – the courage of individuals in the face of danger and the courage of nations to protect the weak and punish the aggressor. There is bravery to be shown in peace as well."

Guest Speaker Dr. Jane Gillette then spoke about her service in the military and about being elected to her third term as a state legislator:

“I am being led into being a state legislator, I am going into my third term now as a state legislature, I served in the Air Force for 14 years, I was deployed once to Jamaica, and I was a dentist there. In addition to that, I was the officer-in-charge of natural disasters at Malmstrom Air Force Base but I still go back to Ft. Harrison when I get our troops ready to deploy and give dental treatments to them. I really enjoyed my time in the military, I would have stayed in longer but my husband is an attorney and we had to move every three years. It was sad that I did step down, but going to Fort Harrison is where I get my fix. I just want to say Thank You to everyone who served, or you have loved ones who have served, or you just care deeply for the love of this country. It’s people like you that make this country so amazing."

After Dr. Gillette spoke, family members of veterans were encouraged to give recognition of those who served. Following this, in which about a dozen people spoke of relatives going back as far as World War 1, there was the presentation of American Legion service pins; Tony Wagner called out the names and Linda Cousineau gave out the pins: Dale Bunnis – 10 years; Linda Cousineau – 15 years; Richard Heida – 15 years; Bob Saxby 20 years; David Winter – 5 years, Roy Howard – 35 years. The Chaplin then gave a benediction prayer, and then everyone sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

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PhotoCredit: Matt Nelson Photo
Image 1 Caption: L-R Janet Wagner, Tony Wagner, Linda Cousineau, Richard Heida, Debbie Westfall, and Larry Westfall Matt Nelson Photo
Image 2 Caption: Guest Speaker Dr. Jane Gillette Matt Nelson Photo ****NO ROOM FOR PHOTO****