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Ffa Club Members Attend Both State And National Conventions
Author: Ashley Sanderson - BHS Future Farmers of America Reporter

FFA Club Members Attend Both State and National Conventions

Ashley Sanderson

BHS Future Farmers of America Reporter

October 6th - November 5th

October has definitely been the busiest month for the Broadwater FFA chapter, with practices and competitions in full swing as well as a trip to the National Convention. So far, practices this year have proven to be successful, as reflected in competition results.

We began the month with our monthly chapter meeting on October 8th, 2024 to highlight everything we’ve accomplished in the past month and to announce the upcoming events for October and even some for November. The following day was Drive Your Tractor to school day which turned out to be a great success as well.

On October 14th and 15th, 2024, we went to Billings, MT for NILE (Northern International Livestock Expo) to compete in various competitions including livestock evaluation, horse evaluation, veterinary science, and ag sales. Some members experienced NILE as their first FFA competition and they really showed their dedication. I can’t wait to see the progress our chapter makes both individually and in teams.

We spent October 21st - 26th, 2024 on our trip to National Convention, traveling with the Three Forks and Colstrip FFA chapters. We spent time in Nashville, Tennessee and Louisville, Kentucky before heading to Indianapolis for the actual convention. It was an amazing experience and a first for a lot of the members that attended, including myself. After experiencing Nationals, I can definitely say I want to go back.