Serviceman Enjoys School Veterans' Day Event
Author: Nancy Marks, MT43 News Reporter
Serviceman Enjoys School Veterans' Day Event
Nancy Marks
MT43 News Reporter
Vietnam Veteran Fred Pratt attended the Townsend Schools assembly honoring military men and women for their service to our country. He had seen the notice on Facebook and decided to attend. All decked out in a suit and tie, Pratt, 81, had served in Vietnam as a US Navy E6 first class radioman in 1965 and 1966 on land in a naval advisory detachment. He went on to serve another 4 years on a ship. “All these years I had wondered if anyone cared. This (assembly) is great!” he proclaimed, obviously touched by the outpouring of respect and honor from everyone.
American Legion Post #42 presented the colors after which high school music instructor Denise Bakkum led the band in Star Spangled Banner. Each child held his or her hand on their chests. A full gym of high school, and middle school classes, right down to the kindergarteners sat to listen as high school Principal Sheri Heavrin recognized the school staff and the many veterans present. A short video on Veteran’s Day’s origins included the history of the 6 branches of the military and locations of various memorials honoring war heroes. Featured were the USS Arizona Memorial in Honolulu, Hawaii and the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. with carved names of over 50,000 men and women who died fighting.
Middle School Principal Brad Racht introduced the winners of the 8th-grade essay contest on the subject “What Does Veterans' Day Mean to You?” Winners Lucas Feller and Madison Vogl each read their creative work to the assembly. Music teacher Olga McNulty led the 5th and 6th graders in a musical salute to each military branch.
Guest speaker retired Lt. Colonel John Bleile reviewed the day from a veteran’s perspective. Bleile, whose family served in the military for several generations, joined the National Guard when he was 17. He served in multiple deployments during which he saw the sacrifice men and women made, some of whom gave their lives. He pointed out he made lots of lifelong friends and experienced many good deeds as well.
Bleile engaged the young audience with a game of Veterans' Day trivia. Teachers Tyler Patrick and Andrea Tullos teamed up with Senior Class President Kayce White and 8th Grade President Harley Cox to guess the correct answers to Bleile’s questions. The 8th-grade class team won the contest.
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 1 Caption: Veterans Fred Pratt and Larry Westfall stand at attention for the presentation of the flags.
Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 2 Caption: Banners and Flyers decorated the school gym for Veterans' Day Monday.
Nancy Marks, MT43 News Photographer
Image 3 Caption: Madison Vogl and Lucas Feller read their winning essay and poem for the 8th-grade contest. The subject was "What Does Veterans' Day Mean to You?"

 Madison Vogl and Lucas Feller prize winners.JPG)