Townsend Area Community Calendar
Author: Victor Sample
Now- Tue 15
American Legion Riders Coat Drive- Bring Winter-wear to
the Legion, Post 42, 211 Broadway
Now- Sat 30
Dollar for Dollar Food Pantry Donation Match- Donate at the Pantry, Bob's or Town Pump
Friday 15
10:00 am: Free Story Time and a Craft with Mrs. Latasha Wirtz at Broadwater Community Library
12:00 pm: Alcoholics Anonymous at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 301 N Cherry
1:00 pm: Townsend Pinochle Club at Broadwater County Sr. Center, 516 2nd St
4:00 pm: Broadwater Community Theater - Casting Call for 2025 Christmas Dinner: "A Crazy Christmas"; at The Lodge of Townsend READ ABOUT IT ON PAGE 2
Saturday 16
1:00 pm: Townsend Winter Market 1:00-3:00 pm Reading Leaves Bookstore 401 Broadway St.
6:00 pm: Fireside Alcoholics Anonymous at 102 N. Walnut, 406-439-3945
6:30 pm: Magic - The Gathering at Reading Leaves Bookstore, 401 Broadway
Monday 18
6:00- 7:30 PM FREE Meal & Event: Exploring Cultures at Holy Cross Church, 101 S Walnut SEE AD ON THIS PAGE
6:00 pm: Doug Sitton and Jodie Toney present Wine Tasting at the Betsy at The Betsy SEE AD ON THIS PAGE
6:00 pm: Celebrate Recovery at Mountain Valley Church, 107 E St, 406-980-1805
Tuesday 19
5:00 pm: American Legion Post 42 Food and Bingo at American Legion Post 42 Club
5:30 pm: Alcoholics Anonymous at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 301 N Cherry
6:00 pm: Old Baldy Safe Internet Surfing for Seniors. Library Classroom 7-8:30 pm
Wednesday 20
1:00 pm: Townsend Pinochle Club at Broadwater County Sr. Center, 516 2nd St
Thursday 21
Townsend Crimson Red Hat Ladies Lunch the 3rd Thursday of each month, Contact Sandy for information 406-949-0081
7:00 pm: Al-Anon at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 301 N Cherry
Friday 22
10:00 am: Free Story Time and a Craft with Mrs. Latasha Wirtz at Broadwater Community Library
12:00 pm: Alcoholics Anonymous at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 301 N Cherry
1:00 pm: Townsend Pinochle Club at Broadwater County Sr. Center, 516 2nd St
Saturday 23
6:00 pm: Fireside Alcoholics Anonymous at 102 N. Walnut, 406-439-3945
6:30 pm: Magic - The Gathering at Reading Leaves Bookstore, 401 Broadway
Friday 29
Rock Your Plaid at Reading Leaves Bookstore, 401 Broadway