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We Have Days And Events To Celebrate Them, But What Is A Veteran?
Author: Bill Garwood

We Have Days and Events to Celebrate Them, but What is a Veteran?

America has several branches of service, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and now Space Force. The members of all these services are from ALL walks of life, all sizes, shapes, colors, sexes, religions, and lifestyle preferences. You see, THIS is who we are. This IS America, with all our differences we pull together all our strengths and talents. You can NOT make a pie with just white flour; you need all the fillings and natural ingredients to make it work. (Yes, even my people…the Nuts!)

Most civilians don’t quite understand what makes a Veteran. Sure, if you were in the military even for a few weeks, you are a Veteran. Those of us who decided to stick it out and retire share something “special” we were part of something bigger than ourselves! Last year I ran into a guy I didn’t know in town, he saw my Veteran’s hat and asked where I had served, I told him, and as we walked away, he said: "well we probably chewed some of the same dirt“, right then we were brothers in Arms.

People who don’t like the thought of serving won’t know anything about the world, most times until they explore their own strengths & weaknesses. When I joined right out of high school, in 1973, I had NO confidence in myself at all! After a few years, I was leading soldiers of all types, and I was as surprised as anybody that I was good at it. I have worked with all branches of the services, and all of us are brothers and sisters of the Green and Blue.

Veterans all go through the same beginning, then they learn their specialties. But ALL are basic military members, there’s an old saying: “Nobody loves the soldier until the enemy’s at the gate”. Too true. Service members are always on call, even after we retire. Most of us would reenlist in a heartbeat if we were needed! One thing that the younger folks don’t know is: when you become a service member, you will have “Family” everywhere. You will be part of something BIGGER! And you will never be alone, again.

There are things we don’t miss, freezing nights on guard duty; having to fix vehicles that just do not want to start, while on the side of the road. This just adds to the “War stories” when you retire, and you will find and get to know so many who have the same stories. When I am looking through the books section in Walmart, I always run into fellow Veterans, and we always start talking like long-lost Brothers. Many a day when I put on my uniform, I walked straight and proud! I still do. I salute all of our Veterans and the civilians who support us.

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PhotoCredit: Bill Garwood Photo
Image 1 Caption: SFC Garwood 2005; Tikrit, Iraq Bill Garwood Photo
Image 2 Caption: SPC Garwood 1978; Heidelberg, Germany Bill Garwood Photo