Students Enjoy Game Of Clue
.jpg) | Author: Karsyn Sangray, Broadwater High School Student Intern MT43 News School Correspondent |
Students Enjoy Game of Clue
Karsyn Sangray, Broadwater High School Student Intern
The Broadwater Student Council recently bought a package for a game of Clue that could be played throughout the high school. During the week of October 28 through October 31, the game of Clue took over the high school. Teachers Mrs. Flynn, Mr. O’Dell, Mr. Patrick, and Mr. Thomas all participated in the announcements. They played the parts of their characters, in respect to the names above: Professor Plum, Mr. Peacock, Mr. White, and Colonel Mustard. Mrs. Heavrin played the part of the head detective and had conversations over the intercom with the school “Nighttime Butler” Wadsworth, who was voiced by Mrs. Bakkum. Each morning was started with one or two new riddles. Students were then given until lunch to think about it and put their answers in a box at the office. The Student Council gave small bags of suckers to the winners. Jazel Ragen was the winner the first day. She said, “I thought it was really fun. It was a good way to entertain everyone throughout the week. I think they should do it again, a lot of people had fun with it. I made a truce with a few older people, and we all worked together to come up with answers for the riddles.”
Not only were small bags of candy handed out to the winners of the riddles, but they also had big prizes for the actual winners. There were two winners, one who was the closest to guessing what actually happened and whoever had the funniest explanation. The winners were announced at the end of Tuesday, November 5. Those who won were awarded with Deep Creek Pizza gift certificates and shirts made by the yearbook staff.
Upcoming for the Student Council is the State Conference. Billings, Laurel, and Lockwood are working together to put on the Montana Association of Student Councils (MASC) annual state meeting. Over three days, the student councils will gather to go over business, vote policies in, and get to know how other policies work in different student organizations. Broadwater is in District Three, which has places such as Drummond, Lima, and White Sulphur Springs. District Three members are excited to see each other. Most of them were friends from last year's state and district meetings. District President, Kate Dryan, from Capital High School in Helena, will lead the District portion of the meeting. The students look forward to meeting new people, doing the workshops, the dance, and having more tips on how to be better leaders in their lives.
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PhotoCredit: Karsyn Sangray, Photographer
Image 1 Caption: Junior Jazel Ragen solved the riddle for the first day of the game Clue.
Karsyn Sangray, Photographer