Lions Celebrate 40 Years In Townsend
Author: Bob Brastrup, Townsend Lions Club
Lions Celebrate 40 Years In Townsend Bob Brastrup, Townsend Lions Club Last week Bob sent us the wrong article - it was an article he wrote 3 years ago. This is the current article that he meant to send.
Broadwater County Lion club members celebrated the Club’s 40th birthday during their recent annual Charter Night celebration. Highlighting the festivities was the induction of four of new members – Lacie and Kevin Reed, Christina Hartmann and Mary Kondelik.
Organized in 1982, club members have worked hard to fulfill the Lion Pledge “Loving individuals offering needed service.” This has been accomplished by directing resources to help combat diabetes, vision and hearing loss as well as other needs. The club is actively involved with more than 30 activities and events during the year. The events include sponsoring delegates to Boys State, Girls State, Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership program, a continuing education grant to a graduating senior and a donation to the Leader Dog For The Blind program. Last year the club donated $1,500 to the Townsend Youth Baseball program.
The club provides assistance with hearing aids and eyeglasses to those who meet the program criteria. This past few months the club provided assistance to three individuals for hearing aids and assisted two individuals purchase eyeglasses. The local club also conducts vision and hearing screening at the local school. Throughout the state, 34,000 school children have had their vision checked by Lions club members. About 10 percent of the students are referred to medical professionals for further testing.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Easter without the Lion’s sponsored annual Easter Egg hunt. And we can’t forget the Father’s Day and Mother’s Day gifts given to residents of the assisted living homes.
The club presents American Flags to the first-grade students and gives a history of the flag and its significance to United States citizens.
During a visit to an Australia Lions club, Bob and Sheri Brastrup were introduced to a book by Australian author Julie Davies. The book has been translated into 15 languages and Lion Clubs, Boy and Girl Scout Clubs and other service clubs throughout the world purchase the books and give them to 3rd-grade students. For the fifth year, the club has purchased books and provided them to Townsend 3rd-grade students. It is the first time the book has been introduced in the United States.
The Lions Club established the Senior Christmas Dinner and a Christmas Light Tour around Townsend. It is a joint program with the Townsend Rotary Club.
The club has various fundraising activities, most noted are the Corn Dog Wagon and ice fishing Perch Derby. Thank you to the members of the public who have so generously supported the club during the past 40 years so we can continue to improve the quality of life for so many people. We plan on being around for at least 40 more!
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PhotoCredit: Bob Brastrup
Image 1 Caption: Mary Kondelik, Kevin Reed, Lacie Reed, Christina Hartmann