Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
Author: Paul Kroeger
Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
Paul Kroeger
On Thursday, October 17th, several men and women gathered together in Townsend at the Watson Event Center for an early morning breakfast and an opportunity to pray for their community. This was the 7th annual Townsend Mayor’s
Prayer Breakfast. Mayor Vickie Rouser was in attendance. The mayor led off the group of speakers with a warm welcome to the twenty-six or so people who came out. Also, there were young people, representing the local 4H and FFA, who assisted with the breakfast service. The gathering that met on that Thursday morning had come together to fellowship, share a meal, and pray.
There were a few uplifting songs sung and then an encouraging keynote message given by pastor at large Steven Bostrom - who shared from the Gospel of Mathew, in chapter 24. Additionally, there were several others from the community who led prayers for America, the state of Montana, Broadwater County and Townsend.
As the holiday season this year quickly approaches, we can look back and be reminded of the earlier times in our nation’s history when native people, settlers, and our founding fathers took time to gather in the Fall, to feast, fellowship and to pray. Just as they did, we too should gather in our community; and we should remember to give thanks to God, for all that He has given us, and ask for direction for our leaders, our families and even for the future generations of Montanans. This event is a great reminder for us all.