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National Honor Society Initiates New Members


Karsyn Sangray, Broadwater High School Student Intern
MT43 News School Correspondent

National Honor Society Initiates New Members

Karsyn Sangray

Broadwater High School Student Intern

The National Honor Society had its induction ceremony on Monday, October 28, 2024. The senior members; Memphys Meier, Abby Wickens, Karsyn Sangray, Cassidy Flynn, Sawyer Horne, Madelyn Schritz, Hunter McCartney, Jazlyn Martin, Haylie Reinke, Amanda Pesicka, and Addison Kraft, were able to welcome new inductees. The juniors who were inducted all worked very hard and were recognized for their hard work. Avery Clark was one who worked especially hard to meet the requirements for being a member of this club. She doubled the amount of hours required and said, “I did a lot of community service through Interact. My favorite part was helping the senior citizens, whether it was showing them the Christmas lights or making them Christmas cards. I also did a lot for the fall fest.”

The junior members; Spencer Braaten, Avery Clark, Lexi Davies, Marek Easter, Emmalin Fischer, Kenzie Knaub, Kaitlyn Noyes, Ashley Sanderson, Kaden Richtmyer, and Harper Wolfgram, all exemplified the pillars of NHS. The pillars include Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. These four pillars help support the entire symbol of the NHS which is Truth. The motto of the National Honor Society is “Light is the symbol of truth.” Karsyn Sangray, Master of Ceremonies, ignited the candle for the truth. From that candle the four other candles, representing each of the pillars, were ignited. The four speakers, Hunter McCartney for Service, Abby Wickens for Scholarship, Addison Kraft for Leadership, and Amanda Pesicka for Character, all did a phenomenal job demonstrating these four pillars. The guest speaker, Mrs. Jill Flynn, also gave an amazing talk. She went through the four pillars and how she saw these characteristics in the senior members and hoped that those seniors would continue showing these throughout their lives.

After all of these talks, the pins and certificates were awarded by Jazlyn Martin, Haylie Reinke, and Sawyer Horne. The Broadwater Community already knows how all of these students are, and how they help and serve, but now with this recognition and expectation, these students should be able to rise above and be leaders. Leaders in their families, communities, schools, and for whatever workforce they enter in the future.

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PhotoCredit: Photo provided by National Honor Society and Karsyn Sangray
Image 1 Caption: National Honor Society members: Top row from left: Harper Wolfgram, Marek Easter, Kaden Richtmyer, Ashley Sanderson, Avery Clark, Cassidy Flynn, Madelyn Schritz, Memphys Meier, Haylie Reinke, Jazlyn Martin, Spencer Braaten, Kenzie Knaub, Emmalin Fischer, Kaitlyn Noyes, Lexi Davies. Seated from left: Sawyer Horne, Amanda Pesicka, Addison Kraft, Abby Wickens, Hunter McCartney, Karsyn Sangray. Photo Provided by National Honor Society and Karsyn Sangray
Image 2 Caption: Sawyer Horne awards Avery Clark her National Honor Society certificate. Photo Provided by National Honor Society and Karsyn Sangray