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Headline: Holloway Park To Have Skating Rink This Winter


Linda Kent, MT43 News Staff Reporter
MT43 News Correspondent

Holloway Park to Have Skating Rink this Winter

Linda Kent

MT43 News Staff Reporter

Area residents will have another way to skate at Holloway Park this winter, after Townsend’s City Council approved installing a temporary ice rink, weather conditions permitting, at their October 15 meeting.

Hannah Rauser brought the proposal to the Council, explaining she had been working with city Director of Public Works Eric Crusch and others to both have the rink set up once temperatures drop below 10 degrees and to open and close the rink during the season.

Mayor Vicki Rauser told the council that Hannah Rauser had previously brought a similar proposal to the city, but that proposal had come after the weather had gotten too warm.

Council member Heather Healea raised concerns about safety, supervision, and city liability, given the inherent concerns around ice skates and fall risks.

City Attorney Peter Simon responded that state law places the liability for injury from similar sports on public property on those using the park.

The council approved the request unanimously.