This Day In History - November 14
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
November 14
"Doings of a Week”
John Schmidt, manager of the Dixon Brewery, made a business trip to Helena Thursday.
Charles Tarrant, manager of the Big Spring Ranch, near Toston, was transacting business in the capital city last Monday.
Grant Dean is home again after an absence of about three months making a race circuit. He made the rounds in Montana and into Wyoming and did well on the trip. He disposed of the two racers he started out with and brought back a couple of new ones which he is going to feed up some and get them in the spring next year. Grant has had his whisker shop closed during his absence, but he has put in a new glass window, scrubbed out and is again ready for business.
“Personal News”
Mrs. H.J. Doggett and her son, Howard, and family were agreeably surprised this week by a visit from her brother, Phil Schreiber, who arrived from Sheridan, Wyoming for a brief visit. Mr. Schreiber who resided in the famous old Diamond City when his brother ran a thriving mercantile business in “the mining high day” of the gulch, was accompanied here by his wife and his son, Harold, and a granddaughter, Mary Jane, from Chicago. They enjoyed meeting the many former friends of the Schreiber family while here.
“Canton News”
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beatty and daughters of Beaver Creek enjoyed the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daniels on Saturday.
The Misses Geraldine Hardgrove, Dorothy Gill and Lillian Daniels all of Helena enjoyed the weekend and double holiday with their parents.
Miss Genevieve Kinney, who is in nurses training in Helena, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Kinney.
"College Students Home for Holiday”
Among college students home for the long holiday weekend were: Tim Evans, Paul Schwisow, Gene Thompson, Glenda Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Krahe, Dale Sprout and Harry Buckingham, all from W.M.C. Dillon; Debbie Holland, Pat Ragen, Chris Ragen, Fred Moudree, John McNulty, Nancy Marks and Mike Ragen, all from the University at Missoula; Dale Antonich, Tony Kaul, Northern Montana College, Havre; Loralee Flynn, Jan Kirscher, Chris Cox, M.S.U., Bozeman; Joe Jepson, E.M.C., Billings; Fred Noyd, Billings Automotive Tech School, Billings; Mary Ellen McNulty, St. Vincent’s School of Nursing, Billings.
“Crow Creek News”
Susan Webb was home from the University at Missoula visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Webb, and family.
Lauren Heeb of Bozeman spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kitto and family.
Mrs. Mike Lewis and family spent last week in Helena with her mother, Mrs. Art Chriske and visited other relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferrat and family attended the 4-H Awards banquet in Townsend Saturday night.
Herman Moudree and son, Danny, have returned from Grand Rapids where they had gone to have Danny fitted with a new arm and to receive instructions on how to use it.
“A Day of Honor…”
At a little past 11 Monday morning, the voice of Townsend American Legion Post No. 42 Commander Chuck Allen broke through the chill gray morning.
“I dedicate this to the memory of those who fell in combat…and I dedicate this post to faithful service and to the memory of those who died that liberty might live.”
A crowd of about 40 gathered in Memorial Park Monday morning to observe Veterans Day and witness the dedication of a memorial plaque listing the names of those Broadwater County residents who died in service to their country.
“Let’s not forget any of them, “retired Brig. Gen. Ron Adams said of the 42 names listed on the memorial – as well as all others who have died in service to the United States. “They made the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy peace and prosperity.”
Following Adams’ speech, Allen offered special thanks to Tom Shindoll for his extensive work on the new Broadwater County memorial, which replaces a similar plaque, which apparently disappeared from the marble boulder in Memorial Park some time ago.
The ceremony closed with a 21-gun salute for those who gave their lives in service.