Where Is Everything That I Need?
Author: Bill
Where is Everything that I Need?
Maybe it’s “old man” mind that makes it so difficult to start and finish a project. ANY project; I start to do something and bam I need another part, or GOOP (Paint, glue, wood etc.). And it’s not there where I need it! AAARRRGGHH.
I try to keep many things on hand that I might someday need. We’ve all been there that’s why our garages and sheds are so stocked FULL of things we “thought” we would need…someday. YEAH RIGHT! Except every project we start needs something else that we DON’T have on hand. That’s why the neighbors hear me screaming in my garage all the time. “I just had that part right here, where is it?” I read somewhere that this can be sign of a haunting. If it is this is one bad ghost. Sadistic comes to mind.
I am amazed how many times I end up going to the hardware store here in town. J.B. looks at me and says “What did you forget THIS time?” I really hate getting home with an arm load of stuff, and realizing I forgot something. It’s a helpless feeling, knowing you have to go back to the store OR push the project aside and say, “I’ll do it tomorrow". Yep, the famous “tomorrow” the day that never comes, and a year later you are looking for something and see the unfinished project. Sitting there taunting you, IF we had any sense, we would make a list while looking at the project and THEN figure out what is the final piece of the puzzle. Then we can finish it, but by then all the paint, glue etc. is dried up AAARRRGGGHH!
I have heard that nature ALWAYS sides with the hidden flaw, I firmly believe it. A great philosopher once said: “Inanimate objects are out to defeat us”. Yeah, that’s not a bit scary, things are out to get us. That could be a haunting movie, “UNFINISHED PROJECTS", from the past! “We once used these forgotten tools, now they want to use us”. OOoooeeeeooo ahh! I can already hear Rod Serling, “Imagine if you will, a handyman whose tools are out for revenge.” Oh yeah go on back to your garage.
Hmmm, I think maybe I have been spending too much time “puttering” around in my garage. NAH, I love organizing my tools putting up the all-important pegboard, getting all the hooks for EVERY kind of tool you can imagine. YES! I haven’t gone so far as to outline every tool…yet; I might change my mind about where each tool goes. Anyway, get busy putting hoses away and draining sprinklers. Any vehicle you have, to winterize them! There is snow already in the forecast, PREPARE!
Enjoy your Autumn folks.