Notes From Nd
 | Author: Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Mikayla Kraft
MT43 News Correspondent
Thomas Jefferson once famously said, “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. It is wonderful what may be done if we are always doing.” During high school, I could spend my days wasting away if I wanted. I could lay in my room and watch Netflix, get yelled at for doing so, and then spend time wasting away napping or reading a book in the same room instead. Once an assignment reached its due date or friends wanted to hang out, I always wished for more time, but the time that had passed while I was being lazy never came back to be used again. Now, as my responsibilities continue to increase, I don’t have time to wish for more time, I am always busy! And even then, I found so much joy in whatever I was doing, well, for the most part (hint, hint, trigonometry).
Study, go to class, study some more, don’t forget to eat, study with a friend, hang out with more friends, study some more, and sleep. Studying alone consumes more than half of my time. I know it will be worth it once I get the degree, but it can be a lot. Luckily, I never have to worry about my time being wasted. This week my friend Gwen and I, both on the pre-vet track, had a pizza night in my dorm room and cranked out all of our studying for Biology, Chemistry, and Anatomy. We devoured a large supreme pizza like a group of teenage boys, and we even had some time to do a girly photoshoot before we each went to bed.
A few days later, I went to my academic advisor to schedule next semester's classes and even declared a minor. This next semester I am taking a whopping 17 credits, right now I am taking 15. I scheduled Intro to Animal Sciences, General Bio 2 with lab, General Chemistry 2 with lab, College Composition 2, and a Wellness class. In addition, I decided to take an extra semester of four classes which I will most likely take in a summer semester. My minor? Agribusiness. I know it will make everything slightly more difficult, but as I pursue this Animal Sciences degree with the hopes of going to Veterinary School, an agribusiness degree will allow me to understand how managing, running, or starting a business looks like to prepare me to have my own clinic, or even give me a wider variety of careers I could enter into.
I don’t have much time on my hands and sometimes it is extremely difficult to keep up with everything, but the light at the end of the tunnel is an achievement I am beyond excited for. I would rather be stuck head-over-heels in a lifestyle that consumes everything I do rather than spend on Netflix or sleeping. Life is better spent busy rather than idle.
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PhotoCredit: Mikayla Kraft Photo
Image 1 Caption: Post-study photoshoot with friends
Mikayla Kraft Photo