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Three Forks Area Ambulance September 2024
Author: Barbara Mutter, Three Forks Ambulance Service

Barbara Mutter

Three Forks Ambulance Service

September 2024 saw a slight pick-up in call volume for Three Forks Ambulance compared to August. It was a challenging month as we had over half our crew out for illness, surgery, or transitioning back to college after the summer break, leaving us badly depleted on staffing.

Our September calls included:

8 transports to the hospital with 4 meeting paramedics en route to provide pain medications

5 calls where AMR came from Bozeman to provide needed backup because our volunteer crew was unable to respond

1 AMR transport for a call when our crew was already at the hospital on a previous call

1 transport by relatives of the patient that met AMR mid-way

5 refusals where the patient declined transport

3 calls were canceled before we responded

8 stand-by events as medical staff at Three Forks High School, including 6 Football games and 6 Volleyball games (3 each for 2 nights)

1 medical staff at the Cotters Run held in Headwaters State Park

2 days as medical staff at the Bridger Mountain High School Rodeo in Three Forks

Our crew recently attended refresher training on equipment usage for specialty patients such as those with mid-femur fractures, transporting infants, and moving patients up and down stairways.

We are excited to say we've recently added several EMTs and Drivers to our roster, but we badly need more.

Being a Driver is the best way to get started helping your community and requires no prior experience. We will teach you everything you need to know, including CPR/First Aid, and how to safely operate an emergency vehicle. We have on-staff trainers for all of it. If you are interested in learning more check out our website at

We are tentatively planning to offer an EMT class next spring, and those already volunteering with us may be eligible for up to full sponsorship. More details coming soon.

As a non-profit organization, Three Forks Area Ambulance operates without tax levies.

Our service is supported solely through insurance billing, donations, and some grants. Over the past five years, we have averaged over 320 calls annually, and we expect to surpass this number this year. As of September 30, 2024, we have responded to over 270 calls. Our dedicated volunteer EMTs and drivers continue to work tirelessly to meet our community's emergency medical needs.

We appreciate your ongoing support.