Letter To The Editor: CI-128
Author: Ed Regan
Please join me in voting NO on CI-128.
This Initiative would amend the Montana Constitution to allow post-viability abortion. The language is so vague it will ultimately be interpreted and adjudicated by abortion providers, lawyers and judges.
CI-128 will increase the number of abortions beyond what people think. Anything other than a “State’s Compelling Interest” will be considered a burden to an abortion. Try proving a compelling interest in these pro-abortion courts. Additionally, questions concerning parental consent, health/safety regulations and fetal viability are not clarified, addressed or defined within the language of the proposed Constitutional Amendment.
In the end our liberal Montana Supreme Court will define the terms and decide these questions as to what does and does not burden an abortion.
This terminology should be defined upfront, in the initiative text, not after it’s too late. Prepare for endless litigation and a state where there will be no limits on the left’s sacrament of abortion.
Ed Regan
Townsend, MT