Crowd Participation A High For BHS Homecoming
Author: MT43 News Staff Reporter
Crowd Participation a High for Broadwater Highschool Homecoming
MT43 News Staff Reporter
Event organizers for the county’s high school homecoming refused to be outdone by the weekend’s Fall Fest activities. Hundreds of elementary and middle school students lined the streets on Friday to watch class floats and sports teams stream by. They also cheered with the school’s teacher “cheerleaders,” Gary Bauman and Levi VanZee. Candidates for homecoming king and queen rode in their respective cars and trucks. Candy was in abundance as was sunshine on a warm October day.
Other festivities included the Junior Class Steakfry at the school. It too filled the school lunchrooms to overflowing with families, friends and an amazing group of student volunteers who made the event stay clean and people moving smoothly through the line. Steak lovers standing in line were also treated to a large silent auction of sponsored baskets, equipment and household goods, organized by Senior parents. At $25.00 a plate, the steak, baked potato, salad and ice cream went fast. "Steaks we always get from Bob’s. We cooked and served 550 meals in 90 minutes!” explained parent Alexa O’Dell.
At the homecoming football game that night Casidy Flynn and Caael Sell were crowned Queen and King of homecoming.
Nita and Steve Holman of East Helena attended the events with their daughter and her husband and their grandchildren who attend Townsend Schools. Nita was born in Dutton, Montana and worked for the State of Montana during her career. Her husband, Steve, originally from Wisconsin, both are enchanted with Townsend. “We love small towns, and especially Townsend. It is a beautiful little town, and besides our grandchildren are here!”
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks, MT43News Photographer
Image 1 Caption: Teachers Gary Bauman and Levi VanZee lead the crowd in Bulldog cheers.
Nancy Marks, MT43News Photographer
Image 2 Caption: BHS Cheering Squad, led by co-captains Karsyn Sangray and Kayce White, performs during Homecoming Parade.
Nancy Marks, MT43News Photographer
Image 3 Caption: Cross Country team sits, for a change, during the parade.
Nancy Marks, MT43News Photographer
Image 4 Caption: Seniors float, one of many in the parade.
Nancy Marks, MT43News Photographer
Image 5 Caption: Steve and Nita Holman of East Helena enjoy Friday night's steakfry with their daughter Amanda Borror and son.
Nancy Marks, MT43News Photographer