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Notes From Nd


Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent
MT43 News School Correspondent

Notes from ND

Mikayla Kraft

MT43 News Correspondent

I am starting to realize that school is exhausting. It would make sense for me never to have burnout and always have time, considering that I only have two to three classes a day for at most two hours. However, I find myself conked out at the end of the day or overwhelmed with the work I have to do. I see many people around me finding the time to get out and have some fun, but I feel as if I have so much homework that I can never get it done. Luckily, this weekend, I had the opportunity to leave campus and enjoy time spent not thinking about classes.

I prepped for the weekend throughout the entire week. I worked extra hard on all of my assignments to become a week ahead of everyone else so I wouldn’t stress about what assignments were due, I placed every event I had going on in my planner and on my whiteboard calendar to stay completely organized, I called my workplace to get my Friday hours off and communicated with my chemistry professor to ensure that I could miss out on class that Friday.

This marked the start of my weekend off; I was going to spend the weekend in Minneapolis with my boyfriend and his family, the Nikolays, for a wedding. I met them at the hotel we were staying at and we carpooled to the venue. It was beautiful. It was set up as a small farm and trees surrounded the area. By the end of the night, my boyfriend, Nathan’s, cousin Nicole was married and I was so happy to get to visit with her and the rest of the family again. As a plus, one of Nathan’s other cousins forced him to go to the dance floor with me (Nathan is nowhere close to a dancer) so I had the opportunity to dance with him.

The next day, the Nikolays and I went to the Mall of America and Top Golf. We spent eight hours at the mall and didn’t even look through at least a quarter of the stores. As a highlight, Nathan and his father were set on finding me the perfect pair of Oakley sunglasses for a Christmas gift. Nathan’s mother and I had the opportunity to have a coffee date that we oh-so-desperately needed. At Top Golf, Nathan’s little brother, Corbin, and I had time to shine and compete against each other as we showed off our skills.

Obviously, this trip was far out of the normal. But this trip was the excuse for a weekend off and the time spent away from homework and the stresses of school was much needed. Never forget the importance of a day off. The result is astronomical, and the burnout will wear off. There is always room for a little bit of fun no matter what stage of life you are in, and it is arguably a necessity!

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PhotoCredit: Mikayla Kraft Photo
Image 1 Caption: A Weekend Out: Top Golf Selfies Mikayla Kraft Photo