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Free Venous Blood Lead Testing Available To East Helena Residents
Author: Beth Norberg, Environmental Health

Free Venous Blood Lead Testing Available to East Helena Residents

Beth Norberg

Environmental Health

The East Helena Lead Education and Assistance Program (LEAP), a project of Lewis and Clark Public Health, is pleased to announce that they have partnered with St. Peter’s Wellness Services to provide free venous blood lead testing.

The test is free for all East Helena residents who live within the Administrative Boundary of the East Helena Superfund Site.

The blood lead test can be used as:

• A follow-up to an elevated capillary test for a child 0-15 years old;

• An initial test for any child 16 years and older;

• An initial test for all adults.

The test is a venous draw that analyzes blood for lead concentrations and is reported in micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). The results will be sent confidentially to the participant and to the program.

Interested residents can call St. Peter’s Wellness Services at 406-444-2128 to schedule an appointment. Their office is located in the St. Peter’s Administration Building, 2500 Broadway Street.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all children who are at risk for lead exposure should be tested for lead poisoning. The best way to know if a child has been exposed to lead is to have their blood tested. Children enrolled in Medicaid are required to get tested for lead at ages 12 and 24 months. They are also required to get tested if they are ages 24–72 months and have no record of ever being tested.

If you have any questions concerning testing, please call the LEAP office at 457-8583 or contact Beth Norberg at 447-8385.

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