Letter To The Editor: The Truth About CI-128
Author: Kelly Gobbs, Townsend
The Truth About CI-128
There are countless reasons why CI-128 is bad for Montana communities and Montana families. But I want to focus in on just a few and respond to the inaccuracies in a letter to the editor last week. Don’t fall for the lies and be spoon-fed inaccurate information. Do the research for yourself. CI-128 is terrible.
Lie: “No one is killing babies at birth”. Truth: Horrifically, this actually happens in other states. When babies in the womb are past a certain gestational age, partial-birth abortions are necessary (which take 2-3 days to perform due to dilation). 5 babies were brutally killed outside of the womb in Washington DC 2 years ago. CI-128 would allow for this practice in Montana.
Lie: “No one is terminating a pregnancy in the third trimester… Truth: Seven states allow for this. If CI-128 passes, Montana would make it 8. Over 13,000 late-term abortions are performed every year.
Lie: “Those tough decisions are no one else’s to make.” Truth: What about the life being ended? Does he or she get a say? Shouldn’t it be the baby’s decision to make? CI-128 would allow for this at all stages of pregnancy, without parental consent. Almost half of all the abortions that occur in Montana are for women less than 25 years old.
Lie: “Sure seems like the crowd yelling the loudest for personal freedom is fighting the hardest to take away freedom from everyone else” Truth: Abortion terminates a life. This is the very denial of the most basic freedom all humans have. You can’t shout “freedom” from the mountaintop if you are denying the most vulnerable population the most basic human freedom.
I urge and pray you all to vote no on CI-128 this fall. It’s too radical for Montana, further devastating Montana families and communities. Women and babies deserve better. Let’s engage and pour into programs and alternatives to unregulated abortion. Let’s empower women and men, moms and dads to raise strong children and strong families, which create strong communities.
Women can be brave; they can have their babies and their dreams too!
Kelley Gobbs
Townsend, MT