Gradeschool and Middle school Christmas Concert Brings Joy to Full Auditorium
| Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Gradeschool and Middle school Christmas Concert Brings Joy to Full Auditorium Nancy Marks Townsend grade and middle school students warmed the cold evening Monday night with songs they had just learned and Christmas songs for the season. Music teacher, Harlan Conroy, led both the 5th grade and the middle school bands in renditions of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas", and “Jingle Bells”. Fifth-grade guitar assistants, Bradi Watkins and Travis Regan, accompanied the fifth-grade guitar students in playing “A Christmas Song”.
Fifth-grade and middle school choir members selected “Sounds of Christmas” for their song along with a solo performance by six grader, Kyndal Sell. Mrs. Olga McNulty, the elementary school music teacher, led the group.
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks