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Why Is Everyone Angry?
Author: Bill Garwood

Why is Everyone Angry?

With all the negativity going on around us, it’s no wonder we all feel stressed a bit. So, I will give you a bit of 2x4 to the bridge of the nose, Common Sense! These are not just my opinions, I actually found writings/speeches by a few learned Scientists. Actual Common Sense.

Climate Change: The “Conservative Climate Caucus” is promoting the climate scare. They say, “Climate change is a global issue.” Claiming solutions should reduce global emissions and not just feel-good policies.

Fact: The emissions they refer to are carbon dioxide, (CO2) which there is NO need to reduce it since…it is plant food! (Any earth science student, IF they listened) knows that through “Photosynthesis” the process where sunlight makes plants grow, and they take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen! Reality, what a concept. Plants take in what we breathe out and give us life giving oxygen so we can breathe!

In 2017 Dr. Craig Idso said the entire terrestrial biosphere is reaping the benefits from a 40% increase in CO2 since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Canada is even worse since they are doing nonsensical and expensive “solutions” of (you can’t make this up) “Carbon Sequestration”, capturing CO2 from power plants and storing it in underground tanks! This is an expensive and potentially dangerous solution to a problem that does not exist! Carbon monoxide” IS bad; it’s from vehicle exhaust. Which, now days, is filtered pretty handily by filters / catalytic converters.

Many scientists know that carbon sequestration is code for no coal. Efforts to control climate will leave us bankrupt, hungry, and freezing! We as citizens of the world have not been around long enough to see all of Earth’s weather rhythms. No climate emergency yet.

Stores, corporations…price gauging.

Did it slip everyone’s minds that the rising prices for food, goods are directly related to rising costs of fuel? Not to mention maintenance of vehicles. Especially if they actually got through with the everything “electric” changing vehicles. Costs/prices are all on a chain: a price raised here…causes a price rise there.

All the young folks who want a raise after working a grand total of 3 weeks, cause prices to go up, if their employer gives in to their demands. Notice how after the raising of minimum wage that people’s pay still doesn’t give them a better wage.

People are losing their collective mind, because of the lack of say it with me now, “Common Sense!”.

Let’s ALL take a breath of clean mountain air and relax.. before they try to tax the air.