Notes From ND
Author: Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent
Notes From ND
Mikayla Kraft
MT43 News Correspondent
School will consume 80% of each semester, and any other time will consume 20%. I didn’t know that this ratio would be more like a 90:10. My whiteboard calendar is full of due dates, my planner is opened more than once a day and filled with ink, I never leave my desk, and when I do, I always bring my schoolwork because that is usually what I am doing. All the while, I need to put all my efforts into my schooling because I am paying $12,068.83 for one semester alone, and for that to go to waste would be incredibly disappointing.
On Friday I had two exams, one for Anatomy and Physiology, and one for Chemistry. I spent all of my free time studying. Flashcards and practice problems quickly became my friends as I worked through every bit of information that I would need to know for the exams. For a change of pace, I even got together with my friend Gwen to reserve a study room in the library to discuss chemistry concepts and work on practice problems. This helped me actively learn and apply what I was learning through teaching and being taught repeatedly.
When I wasn’t studying for exams, I was working on endless Trigonometry and General Biology homework. I have already utilized ACE, a program on campus to get one-on-one tutoring, to help me understand trigonometric concepts. The guided paper notes and the ebook filled with definitions, videos, written walk-throughs, and diagrams are amazing study tools in and of themselves and constantly reinforce the concepts that I am struggling with. These strategies will help me to prepare for the first Trigonometry exam on Tuesday the 24th. On the same day, I have a Biology exam. So far I have been being drilled on macromolecules and basic chemistry and how it relates to the transfer of energy within the biosphere. Luckily, I learned most of this from Mr. Thomas back at BHS, so the information hasn’t been difficult to take in. However, Professor Smith has provided us with countless practice problems for us to utilize in preparation for the exam which I use repeatedly.
School will consume 80% of each semester, and any other time will consume 20%. Many students are on the hunt for the perfect college, trade school, or job. Some are eager to simply get out and be free, some eager to start a life of their own, and some are eager to learn. It looks easy from the outside looking in, but what you are told is not always what it seems. The ratio of schoolwork to free time is 90:10 or even 98:2 and the learning grind never ends. There will be time for fun, but college is for learning. Take advantage of the learning aids provided to you and never give up on all of the work handed to you. It will all be worth it in the end.
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PhotoCredit: Mikayla Kraft
Image 1 Caption: Homework doesn't stop for lunch
Photo Credits: Mikayla Kraft