This Week In History - Oct 17
Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Museum Curator
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
October 17
“Doings of a Week"
Saturday night a fire alarm was turned in and the department made a run to the railroad yards to extinguish a fire of a burning car of shingles. The blaze was caused from a hot box and the car was set out from the train. Part of the shingles were unloaded, but the car went up in smoke.
Ernie Zimmerman went to Canton today, Friday, with a bunch of trunks for a traveling man. He had a runaway at Canton, however, which bruised him up some and demolished the wagon. While loading the trunks for the return trip the team made a start for home and their mad career tried to knock down three telephone poles.
“Big Dam Celebration Set for Last of October"
The Broadwater-Missouri River dam is finished. All that remains now to do to show the many anxious citizens that their dreams have actually come true is to see the waters from the grand old muddy Missouri roll through the head gates into the canal that will carry it to the thousands of acres in the rich Missouri valley.
This will be the scene next week when Governor Roy E. Ayers standing before thousands of interested Montana citizens will officially raise the gates in a ceremony befitting the reward to those who worked for this wonderful project and engineering fete.
Members of the Broadwater Chamber of Commerce have looked forward to the occasion. They want to have it observed and they wanted the Governor to be the spokesman when the official completion was named. This could only be by fitting in with the Governor's itinerary. He has promised to be here either on Saturday, October 26th, or Sunday, October 27th according to R.M. O'Hearn, president of the local Chamber.
The exact date will be announced in a day or two. In the meantime, committees are going ahead to carry out plans for an open air lunch and celebration at the site of the dam.
“Pledges to Sorority"
Miss Janelle Kirscher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Kirscher of Townsend, was recently pledged to Alpha Gamma Delta, International Fraternity for college and university women. Miss Kirscher is a freshman majoring in home economics at Montana State University. Both her mother and her sister, Marie, are members of Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity.
Alpha Gamma Delta has initiated over 147,000 members in 98 chapters throughout the United States and Canada since its founding in 1904.
"Toston Briefs"
Miss Byrl Beyers attended the football game between Townsend and Manhattan at Manhattan Friday and spent the weekend with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Heavner and family.
Shelly, Lorna and Jeff Smith of Helena spent the weekend at the Ken Clark home.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Finch and daughter and Mrs. Emily Sherlock and son, Wayne, of East Helena were Sunday visitors at the Jim Plummer home.
“Around Town News"
Jean Berberet, Jackson Hole, Wyo., visited over the weekend with her parents, Bill and Grace Berberet.
Lillian Fisher, Ione Schwisow and Georgia Meng attended the Community Concert in Helena Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carlson, Basin, visited Sunday with Frances Etzwiler.
Felicia and Greg Wallace and Kimberlee, Linda White, Bonnie Baker and Ray Wallace and Blondie Kaminske were among the many area residents who were in Helena Saturday to attend a surprise birthday party for former Townsend resident, Mary Thompson, in celebration of her 80th birthday at the Masonic Temple. The party was hosted by her children including her son, Rich and Linda Thompson, Townsend.
"Copeland Finished Basics"
Army Pvt. Brenda M. Copeland has graduated from basic military training at Fort Leonard Wood, Waynesville, Mo.
During the training students received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and Army history and traditions.
Copeland is the daughter of Sandy and Al Copeland of Townsend.
Graveley Elected State Treasurer"
Broadwater County Clerk and Recorder, Elaine Graveley, was elected treasurer of the Montana Association of Clerks and Recorders at the group's 37th annual convention, held Sept. 9-13 in Miles City. Clerks and Recorders from 44 counties, as well as six deputy clerks and two administrators, attended the convention hosted by Carter, Custer, Fallon, Powder River, Prairie and Rosebud counties.