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Fall Fest Creates Event That Brings Friends Together
Author: Laura Obert, Townsend Rotary Fall Fest Vendor Chair

Fall Fest Creates Event that Brings Friends Together

Laura Obert

Townsend Rotary Fall Fest Vendor Chair

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 4, 5, & 6, 2024

Heritage Park, along South Pine Street and Broadway.

Vince Lombardi said, “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” And it is what makes Townsend Rotary Fall Fest work.

Our goal in putting together Fall Fest is to create a free family fun festival that brings friends together. We do this by partnering with the City of Townsend, businesses, and volunteers.

Heritage Park, South Pine Street and Broadway are transformed into Fall Fest the first weekend in October. And you’re invited! Music from live bands fills the air, antique and classic cars line Broadway, and over 100 small businesses set up their wares in the park and on neighborhood streets into a collection of shops that sell unique arts, crafts, and commercial products, provide information, and offer a variety of food options—including our famous brats and craft beers.

One-third of these small business vendors are talented locals while others come from all over Montana and surrounding states. Many have been with us for years, and it’s your support that keeps them coming back.

But, what’s in it for Townsend after Fall Fest? This festival started twenty-five years ago at the request of local businesses. Shoulder seasons, which are early fall and spring months, are economically challenging for businesses as sales slow down after a busy summer and before the holidays. In response, Rotary started Fall Fest.

At least some of the money made by these businesses is spent in Townsend and offsets that shoulder season slump. Percentages change and you never know who will benefit, I was a Fall Fest vendor many years ago and used the money I made selling paintings to pay for an ACL rebuild for my dog with Dr. Sorenson.

While one goal of Fall Fest is economic, another is social. Friends and family travel to Townsend annually to participate in this FREE event. High school friends return, families, visit, and friends reunite in this small town’s big festival.

Plan to bring your friends together and gather at this FREE FAMILY FUN FESTIVAL. Townsend Rotary Fall Fest October 4, 5, and 6, 2024!