Information, In Magazines?
Author: Bill Garwood
Information, in Magazines?
While looking through the magazine shelves in our local department stores recently, I noticed that ANY subject you can think of is represented. I usually look for the ones I’m interested in like Backwoodsman” and “Ranch” as well as any recent “Football” magazines. (Hey there aren’t that many “Buffalo Bills” fans around here, ok?)
I started noticing all the different “types,” of magazines there are around. Any subject you can imagine is represented! Gardening and fashion magazines are all over the place, with our relatively short growing season books on gardening are a good thing, but WOW who knew you needed direction on how to walk? I would think that would just be a one-page pamphlet at best. (I can see it now, “space your feet 4 inches apart put one foot slightly forward and move. Keep moving and before you know it, you are walking.”) The upgrade would be the “Running” magazines, the same as “Walking” only faster. And these magazines are monthly! Were there people who had no idea how to walk, living amongst us all these years? What did their parents teach them?
There are “Spring Bride” books, they tell you the latest trends in “white dresses” and flower arrangements. How do the editors fill these books? They are thick magazines! There are the obligatory magazines on “Guns & Ammo", as well as the “Teen fashion, and “Celebrity” magazines. (I guess they tell the latest Zit medicines, and how NOT to talk directly to other folks.) The Mags. called “Cowboys & Indians” (Don’t look at me, I didn’t name them.) showing celebrities wearing all the latest, “Stylish western wear” that nobody who is actually a Cowboy would be wearing! I mean come on, all the fringe and bangles would get tangled up in the tractor, and scare the horses. So don’t worry if you have interests that you think are a bit strange, you are unique. Be yourself and enjoy your interests, no matter what they may be. Somewhere there is a book telling you all about it.
Don’t think so? Go check out any magazine rack, some are not for the faint of heart. You can still find books on ANY old movies you can think of, as well as rags…I mean fine informative books on ALL the “alien babies being born to dead celebrities. Or which “Royalty” is Actually related to their parents. “Strange stuff, Maynard!” So go, look for yourself we can all use a good laugh now days. Who knew that the old National Inquirer would be a “normal” newspaper today?