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Letters-to-the-editor: Late Term Abortions – Are They Needed?
Author: Pam Boespflug

Late Term Abortions – Are They Needed?

CI-128 is purported to be about women’s rights. It is not. What it really does is make it possible for women to end the lives of their babies in the third trimester.

When something is legal, it’s easier to justify it in a moment of indecision. It would be a decision a woman will never forget and would live with the rest of her life.

Montanans currently provide moms with health care services, rent assistance, free food opportunities, diapers, etc. Therefore, abortions are not financially, or medically, needed.

Counseling is available. Adoption services are available. It is a dereliction of our duty as a caring society to encourage people to make a decision that ends the life of a child who was made in the image of God. Nobody wins – not moms, not dads, not grandparents, not siblings, and surely not the unborn.

Vote NO on CI-128.

Pamela Boespflug
