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Basket Fundraiser - A variety of prizes
Author: Eliza McLaughlin, Staff Reporter

Basket Fundraiser - A variety of prizes Eliza McLaughlin, Staff Reporter Terri Fischer, poses amongst the various grade levels' themed baskets. Prizes could include a starter circuit set-up, a gourmet s'mores bar, the perfect game night collection, Bobcat gear and so much more.

Tickets are on sale for 50 cents at City Hall. Winners will be drawn at the first basketball home game on Dec. 20.

Fischer, a second-grade teacher, who heads up the basket fundraiser each year, said she was grateful for the donations received from the various students and families which made the fundraiser possible. "They do a great job," she said. "They always look great."

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PhotoCredit: Eliza McLaughlin
Image 1 Caption: Terri Fischer