Class Of 1964 Reunites For A Weekend Of Nostalgia And Cow Ears
Author: Sharon Rains Potenza and Mary Jay Kitt
Class Of 1964 Reunites for A Weekend of Nostalgia and Cow Ears
Sharon Rains Potenza and Mary Jay Kitt
The Broadwater County High School Class of 1964 came together September 6-8, 2024, to reconnect and celebrate the fact that we are still standing 60 years after we graduated. Every ten years we plan a long weekend together here in Townsend. As usual, our first gathering was at Heritage Park for burgers and dogs grilled by our keeper of the contact sheet, Steve Kitt. He and Mary Jay had created a notebook that commemorated 12 in our class who have passed away. We spent time sharing memories of those old friends. Altogether 23 classmates out of 48 graduates were in attendance. We were a chatty gang of 32 including generous spouses!
The next day found us at the Broadwater County History Museum. The Sullivan sisters, Gay Ann Masola and Terry Love, started us on the path to remembering the building of the Canyon Ferry Dam (1949-1954) which resulted in the flooding of one of the most fertile Missouri River valleys in Montana, including the town of Canton. Many of our classmates were displaced from farms and houses. Memories of being uprooted and starting over were also shared by classmates Kathy Iverson Toombs, Beverly Hahn Bird and Edwina Nield Hankinson. Houses were either moved to town or burned, which was quite traumatic to see, even if it wasn’t your own home!
Many also took advantage of a tour of Billings Clinic Broadwater as that beautiful structure was not in place the last time we gathered. We all remember the old white hospital.
The Lodge provided a lovely space for a very tasty dinner of chicken piccata prepared by “downhome catering”. You will note that our group picture includes the “cow ears” that we graciously wore to promote the fun of the clever cow songs created by Judy Williams of Devine Bovines. Our classmate Tom was right there on stage helping with the equipment.
A smaller gathering for Sunday breakfast at Sharon Potenza’s home gave us a chance to have quiet conversations and reflections. Some of us served in Vietnam, at least one was affected by the First Gulf War. We remember the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 as well as the arrival of the Beatles on our shores! We came from far and wide to celebrate our milestone: South Carolina, Missouri, Oregon, Colorado and Idaho. Our Oregon friend, Diana Wallace Roberts, moved away after 8th grade but often makes it back to Townsend for this reunion of old friends, and local cousins, she has known since First Grade.
Exclamations such as “Townsend is really such a pretty place now” were heard. I gave credit to Patrick Plantenberg and his energy in rounding up helpers and financing to make it so. We were all grateful to be able to be together again after 60 years!! It is very hard to believe that number. We shall continue to have lunch together before another 10 years roll past. Big Bull can accommodate us very well and often!
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Sharon Rains Potenza
Image 1 Caption: Merle Turman, Mitzi Jones, Joyce Castleberry Hughes, Bonnie Wallace, Dave Campbell, Barbara Moudree Jones, Chris Grover, Cathy Ouren Sutton, Bill Goodwin.
Standing row/middle:
Tom Williams, Lana Plummer Finch, Richard Thompson, Diana Wallace Roberts, Wayne Chambers, Sharon Rains Potenza, Judy Duede Arensmeyer, Beverly Hahn Bird, Edwina Nield Hankinson
Kathy Iverson Toombs, Randy Hunter, Mary Jay Steiner Kitt
Photo Credits: Sharon Rains Potenza
Image 2 Caption: Three Wallace cousins at breakfast: Bonnie, Richard and Diana
Photo Credits: Sharon Rains Potenza
Image 3 Caption: Everyone enjoying the reunion
Photo Credits: Sharon Rains Potenza
Image 4 Caption: Sharon Rains Potenza and Jim Lots
Photo Credits: Sharon Rains Potenza
Image 5 Caption: Merle Turman singing with Judy Williams playing
Photo Credits: Sharon Rains Potenza