Poison Tongues
Author: Bill Garwood
Poison Tongues
I know you have all heard about the "Poison Pen” that old story about someone who writes vicious letters, notes, etc. All about how “some” people are bad actors or just plain horrible people. But ARE THEY? Folks around here are pretty tolerant of others. We can’t all be perfect; however, a few just are NEVER happy with some other people! Sorry about that, have you tried to actually TALK with these people?
Human beings get miffed at folks who just DO NOT do things the way others would like them to, well BOO, FLAMIN HOO! People are ALL different, we do things differently. IF you have written rules, posted on a job site then OK, people need to adhere to those rules. IF, again, they don’t agree with these rules, there needs to be a time where they can TALK with the bosses and see if the rules can be changed. OR why the rules are the way they are, so ALL people can understand. Seems simple, doesn’t it?
Then we have the “malcontents” (wild word, eh?) Who just WILL NOT adjust or work with others, that’s why there are backhoes….I mean councilors or H.R.s (Human Resources) people. What happens when a person decides to quit, and then spew nasty things about a former employer? You can only ignore them so long before legal authorities are called after vicious rumors and lies are spread.
We never want things to get to this point, but sometimes they do. Most times these people have their actions come back to haunt them, as they should! People spewing nothing but hatred, and venom need to be TOLD what they are doing is WRONG, and to SHUT UP! Or they will be out of MANY jobs, this we have all seen several times around here. Some folks are just plain unhappy in life, hopefully, they can find a new path forward. Or LEAVE!
Most of us are happy with our small town, visitors from many other states, even countries are amazed with how wonderful our village is. Let’s NOT poison the well so to speak, IF you are unhappy with other people, TALK to them. Maybe there could have been a Misunderstanding! (I know this first hand.)
I know there are rumors and lies being spread from a known source heading out of town, people who seem angry all the time mostly don’t have anyone but themselves to blame. This is NOT a stop-and-smell-the-roses kind of moment, and yet maybe that wouldn’t hurt. The seasons are changing; gear down, relax, and try to talk with others about how you feel. Before you poison the whole holiday season.
Stay well.