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August: The Month That Wouldn’t End Is Over!
Author: Bill Garwood

August: The Month that Wouldn’t End is Over!

Yes, I know it’s still in the 90s so any coolness is still waiting in the wings. But the mornings are great! When going downtown in the mornings for my morning Pepsi, you can see a little spring in everyone’s step. A little more energy, this morning cool air brings out a bit more of people’s youth. (Kind of, we’re not becoming 19 again…Man how I wish.)

We know what’s on the way so let's just enjoy it a bit, before the you-know-what really hits. This year finishing up will be a bit different. I’m NOT going to talk politics, honest…well…just a note: Why is it that one side: Blue or Red, you decide, seems to actually represent the “working class folks", and one seems to be influenced by, or tries TO influence people by using or quoting Celebrities? (Famous people who could actually give a rat’s butt about US regular people?) This was just an observation, now onto the news or humor as it were.

Is it just me, or does the air seem a bit clearer, and the flags downtown seem a bit brighter in the morning? (Even with our annual smoke/haze, Etc.) I think even Mother Nature gets a little lift in the morning. Winter is a different thing altogether; everything slows down and becomes dormant in winter. I think all the plants under the snow are secretly plotting all the mischief they will spring on us come the thaw. Something is happening already, the birds and the Squirrels are eating like there is no tomorrow. The leaves are just barely starting to change color, Fall is a beautiful time. Although the blasted leaves are everywhere!

As is my tradition every 4 years, on North Walnut St. you can see my election cycle sign: “Show them how you feel, Vote Nixon in 2024”. I love doing this, it gets people’s attention and as is my favorite thing to do, makes folks laugh. Luckily it only stays up till November, after that you wouldn’t be able to see it buried in snow. The stores are already putting out their Halloween costumes and decorations. (Even their Christmas stuff.) Just as I’m losing weight, here come the holidays! Grrr, it is really hard to be “good” with candy and cookies, etc. everywhere. Must be strong!

Start to prepare NOW, for colder weather, it may be here quicker than you expect. Stay well oh my people, fight off colds and flu before they get you.