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Fwp To Host Public Workshops To Discuss River Recreation
Author: Fish, Wildlife and Parks

FWP to Host Public Workshops to Discuss River Recreation

Fish, Wildlife and Parks

HELENA – River recreation is an important part of Montana’s lifestyle and economy. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is looking for input on river recreation issues to help inform recommendations for how to manage these activities moving forward.

“Whether you enjoy fishing, boating, floating or swimming, we want to know what you think are important issues surrounding river recreation and any ideas the public might have on how we can improve river recreation management,” said Deb O’Neill, acting Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division Administrator.

To gather public input, FWP will host three virtual public workshops. These workshops will provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions and share their insights on trends and challenges with river recreation throughout the state.

The input gathered will be used by the River Recreation Advisory Council (RRAC). Membership for this council was solicited this summer and the council members will be announced soon. One of the key tasks of the council will be to hold discussions on managing river recreation opportunities, to include considerations for protecting natural resources and ensuring high-quality experiences for all river users across Montana.

Montana’s rivers are a treasure, offering numerous recreational opportunities. However, the rising popularity of river activities in certain areas has led to challenges, such as conflicts among users and different types of recreation. Additionally, FWP has received feedback about congestion on waterways and at access sites. While most agree on the importance of protecting aquatic and terrestrial resources, opinions vary on the best methods for managing river recreation.

As stewards of these public resources, FWP is committed to gathering broad public input to ensure sound management of these resources and opportunities. The recommendations by the council will help create a fair and predictable system for managing river recreation.

The virtual workshops will start Sept. 3. Registration is recommended but not required. By registering, FWP can track who is interested in river recreation issues and provide updates as they are available.

Workshop Schedule:

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 6-7:30 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 5, 6-7:30 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 9, 6-7:30 p.m.

For those unable to attend live, the workshops will also be streamed on the FWP YouTube page and posted to the RRAC webpage.

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