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Lady Bulldogs Blue and White Scrimmage
Author: Wanda Lambott, Lady Bulldogs Assistant Coach

Lady Bulldogs Blue and White Scrimmage Wanda Lambott, Lady Bulldogs Assistant Coach The 2022/2023 Lady Bulldog basketball team took the court for a Blue and White scrimmage last Thursday. For the first time, they used a 35-second shot clock, run by volunteers, Mr. Dan Hazlett,and student, James Pitassy. Snowy conditions prevented MOA officials from being at the contest, so Mrs. Heavrin put up the jump ball at center court to start the game. Kirk Flynn then volunteered to lace up his sneakers, wear the stripes and blow the whistle.

Coach David Lawson, first-year head coach for the Lady Bulldogs, primarily coached the Blue team, but admits he was a little distracted taking in the performance of the entire squad! He was helped from the bench by first-year Assistant Coach, Wanda Lambott. Junior Varsity Assistant Coach, Kevin Reed, led the charge for the White team.

Senior Kady Clark won the jump ball to set the teams in motion. The first quarter was back-and-forth possessions between the two teams as they showcased the work they have been putting in during practice. The Blue team was led by Bri Williams (senior), a transfer from Dillon MT and the White team was paced by Ella Beggar (junior) and her solo lay-up finishes. (Senior) Montana Hedstrom took care of boxing out and pulled down some rebounds for the White team while Kailey Knaub (senior) remained aggressive on defense and drove the lane for the Blue team.

By halftime, the White team was starting to pull away from the Blue team, employing great defensive hustle, led by a very quick Kaitlyn Noyes (freshman) at both ends of the court. Melania Lambott (junior) found her footing as she gained position to rebound for the White team, while her sister, Mishayla Lambott (freshman) had some dominant post moves and ran the floor for the Blue team.

At the start of the third quarter, both teams settled in and played some quick-paced basketball. Abby Wickens (sophomore) did her part to control the half-court offense for the Blue team, and (sophomore) Maddy Schritz attacked the basket for the White team. Holly Newman, (freshman) capitalized on a 3-pointer and forced some White team turnovers. Down the stretch, Emmalin Fischer (freshman) had some good looks at the basket for the White team and Taylor Cartwright (freshman) was a “spot-up shooter” on the three for the Blue team. Marly Wellenstein (sophomore) held her ground as she posted up for the Blue team against Tava Giomi (freshman) who played “Wall-Up Post D” for the White team.

Due to time, the scrimmage was called at the end of the third quarter. Coach Lawson praised the effort and performance of the entire team and is excited to see what the future holds for the program.