College Is Finally Here!
 | Author: Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Mikayla Kraft
MT43 News Correspondent
After a long, much-needed vacation, college is finally here and I can’t believe that it has started! I was extremely excited when I first got to the NDSU campus; all my worries had left. I had just arrived at a new place where I could start fresh and meet people who could be lifelong friends, learn what I needed to become a livestock veterinarian and overall, slowly adjust to living on my own and away from family.
Though my family and I arrived later than the move-in time slots, I quickly realized that it was going to be an extremely smooth transition. We unloaded all of my stuff onto the sidewalk, moved our vehicles to the parking lot, and walked everything up the three flights of stairs to my dorm room. Within the next hour, my belongings had been placed around the room and I spent the rest of the night shopping and eating out with my family for one last time until I come back.
The next morning, on Sunday, I decided to take the first step into getting plugged into a healthy community. My roommate Greta and I made our way to one of the theatre halls to attend the Chi Alpha weekly service. Our main goal was to find an amazing, God-fearing group of college students, and right off the bat, we found our people. I signed up to be a part of this organization and I have never been so excited.
In addition, I met a new person from across the hall. I met Cameron after she offered me a hammer of hers to use as I set up an organizer in my room. Even though we didn’t do much talking at the time, that evening she invited me to eat lunch in the West Dining Center. This Minnesotan girl with a Biology major and a lululemon-obsessed and plant-loving personality was so sweet and I can see us hanging out more in the future!
Now that I am settled in, I have to prepare for classes that start on Tuesday. I read through every syllabus, downloaded every app, saved every email and gathered everything that I needed for the first day of this semester. I even walked across campus multiple times to ensure that I knew where my classes would be and remember which way to go.
Overall, I have learned to not be shy but instead outgoing and open to doing new things and meeting new people. Being fearful of the new track life has taken only negatively impacts the experience, whereas a cheerful attitude, even if faked for a short amount of time, can turn the whole experience into one full of excitement and joy!
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PhotoCredit: Mikayla Kraft
Image 1 Caption: The adjustment into a double-styled dorm room is complete as I make it look like home!
Photo Credits: Mikayla Kraft