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This Week In History - September 26
Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Museum Curator

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

September 26


“Local News"

Chickens wanted! - Will pay 14 and 15 cents for hens and 18 cents for spring chickens, alive. Apply at Townsend House.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Murray of Shelby, Montana arrived here Saturday and are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. Murry's sisters, Mrs. Wm. Schreiner and Mrs. W.J. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Murray are on their honeymoon trip.

Merchant Mires of Winston, whose store was wrecked by a wind storm several weeks ago, on another page announces a reduction sale of his $12,000 stock of goods. The Myers' sale will afford bargains clear down the line and should be given generous patronage.


“Eighth Grade to Have Party"

Members of the eighth grade will have a party in their gym tomorrow night. This is the first plan made when the large class met during the week to elect their officers. The new officers are: Dicky Doggett, president; Shirley Sautter, vice-president; Florence Williams, secretary and Bud Smith, treasurer. Two appointive positions are those of librarian given to Dorothy Ballard and attendance officer given to Willena Toney.

Committees appointed to see that their first party Friday night is successful are games, Louise Kieckbusch; music, Shirley Sautter; refreshments, Ann Ragen; serving, Florence Williams; dish-washing Ray Williams; gym, Dick Ewing.

Ralph Clare will assist with the games and to even up the boys with the girls, several seventh grade boys have been invited, we are informed.

That the young "hopefuls" believe in eating "light lunches" they have established an all-time precedent for refreshment menus with the following for their Friday party: sandwiches, cool aid, cookies, cake, ice cream and pickles.


“Radersburg News"

Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Leach of Townsend spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jane Bottler.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin and family and Mrs. LeTempt of Three Forks visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Toma.

Sam Harris of Helena visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harris, Saturday and he and Terry went bird hunting.

Devon Miller, of the U.S. Marines, is spending a thirty day leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller. Devon has been in Vietnam.

Mrs. George Harris honored her daughter, Barbara, on her 14th birthday Friday with a slumber party. Invited guests were Patti Ragen, Marcia Castleberry, Bryl Beyers of Toston, Karen Smith, Cindy and Connie Roberts and Rita Harris. The girls attended the dance in Townsend Friday evening and Saturday, Mrs. Harris served a turkey dinner to the young ladies.

Mrs. Lynn Colby and three boys, Brice, Myles and Timothy Paul of Townsend spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Rudy Puttin.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sitton spent Sunday at their cabin. There was about four inches of wet snow on the ground and it was snowing and blowing all day.


“Around Town"

Marion Forrey hosted a birthday party Saturday for Ray Forrey at their home. Guests were Charlie and Verna Adams, Elaine and Sid Huckins, Bill and Anita Kearns, Chuck and Kay Ragen, Ellie and Larry Magnant, Eileen Perry, Logan Davis, Ernie and Linda Forrey, Betty McArthur, Gloria Poole, Dr. Robert and Clara Kopper, Hubert and Hilma White, Rita Watkins, Jeanne McElwee, Wayne and Alice McGaw, and Barb Ackerly who provided the keyboard music for the evening.

Bernice Cartwright and her daughter, Carol Somers, Washington, visited in Billings last week with Bernice's sister, Helen Daniels. During the two weeks Carol has been here, she has also made several trips to Helena to visit her father, Pete Cartwright.

Recently, Myrtle Geisser traveled to Columbia Falls to visit her daughter, Susie Floerschinger who was convalescing following a bout with pneumonia.