Guest Editorial: Townsend Rodeo Parade Grand Marshall Barry White
Author: Denise White Thompson
Townsend Rodeo Parade Grand Marshal 2024 – Barry White
Denise White Thompson
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the 2024 Townsend Rodeo and Parade Grand Marshal………longtime resident, rodeo enthusiast and accomplished cowboy in his own right, Mr. Barry White!
It is only fitting, and of the utmost importance to this nearly 85 year old gentleman, that he is surrounded by his progeny, and being chauffeured by his eldest great grandson, Cinch Owen Reynolds, who is driving a special ole John Deere tractor owned by Barry’s nephew Shawn Lewis. Special thanks to the Dundas Ranch for the use of the antique wagon, holding family members from the west coast to Barry’s special little community of Townsend, Montana.
Barry’s folks moved their young family to his beloved Townsend when he was around 5 years old. His love for cowboying has always been prominent; whether he was spending his youthful summer months adventuring on his grandparent’s farm in Minnesota, or trekking horseback on many excursions to the Baldy Lakes and local mountain ranges with the town’s blacksmith, Charlie Shaw and his trusty mule Annabelle.
As a young man, Barry tried his luck at some of the rough stock events and team roping, but found his greatest success steer wrestling on his beautiful and talented mare, Sis; always giving credit to his great hazers like, longtime friend, Bob Masolo. Barry was crowned the Montana Rodeo Association Champion Steer Wrestler way back in 1968. He was also crowned All-Around Champion at one of the very first Broadwater Western Days.
This cowboy was very active in the early years of the Townsend Rodeo Club, and was on the first Board of Directors. He was part of the crew that built the hefty pipe arena and pens, still standing strong today. And he and his partner and good friend, Don Lewis were the contractors who built the indoor roping barn.
Perhaps this dear man’s greatest gift to the rodeo community and all who know him is how he has willingly, graciously and openly given to so many youth and adults alike, often being coined everyone’s biggest fan! He never missed a college rodeo when his daughter and son-in-law competed for the Big Sky Region. He mounted his grandkids and young barrel racers all around Montana on some of his great horses like Adam, Easy and Oscar. He not only coached his kids and grandkids and wife, Annie, but also endless local, state and western US contestants, particularly in barrel racing, where this cowboy shined in his later years. He and Annie traveled the Senior Pro Circuit then transitioned to 3-D Barrel Racings all around the west! What fun they had competing and lifting others up!
This guy loves to win, but he has always gotten just as much enjoyment helping others shine! One of his favorite young cowgirls from western Montana said of Barry: “Savvy……integrity……and a fierce love for those around him. He was always firm but so proud when you came through. Loved his life chats and how, after I painted my horse pink it suddenly became his favorite color. So many memories……but most of all blessed and honored that you all shared him with me. He gave me the tools to succeed and was there when many others wouldn’t have given the time of day.”
The Townsend community appreciates Barry’s acts of service over the years, his love for rodeo and giving back, and his continued self-imposed mission to ensure the fairgrounds and parks remain litter free, as he makes his rounds, picking up trash. His jovial spirit is so refreshing and inspiring.
Through many good times and life’s rugged trails, this man has always sought adventure! He loves rodeo life, mountain life, small town life and sharing it all with others! Whether it be packing 20 plus friends and family into the Bob Marshall, taking his family fishing to Boulder Lakes, going on endless pack trips with his mules and hunting buddies, hauling his grandchildren to barrel races and rodeos, spending hours and hours in the practice pen, telling tales of days gone by, or simply going to breakfast at his favorite Bread and Butter Café, Barry adds so much joy to those around him!
He absolutely loves supporting anything his kids and grandkids are doing….whether it be basketball, football, rodeo, 4-H or FFA. His sarcastic sense of humor is ‘on point!’ His words of wisdom are shared humbly. His pride-filled cheers for others are never ending! He is truly the best ambassador for the Cowboy Way! Barry, thank you. We are honored to know you and we love and appreciate you!
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PhotoCredit: Photo Provided by Family
Image 1 Caption: Longtime Rodeo Cowboy Barry White was honored as Grand Marshall of the 2024 Townsend Rodeo Parade Grand Marshall. Shown here with his daughter Denise White Thompson.
Photo Provided by Family
Image 2 Caption: Townsend Parade Grand Marshall Barry White takes a ride around the fairgrounds rodeo arena with his daughter Denise, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Photo Provided by Family