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Broadwater County Fair Hosts Creativity at its Best
Author: MT 43 News Staff Reporter

Broadwater County Fair Hosts Creativity at Its Best

MT 43 News Staff Reporter

Sounds in the 4-H Building at the Fairgrounds were gently humming like a honeybee hive Wednesday as volunteers worked to organize open class entries for this year’s fair.

One of the largest events in Broadwater County’s year finds 4-H kids bringing their livestock, leather work and cooking results to compete in the Fair competition. Even adults get involved in the Open Class Entry division of photography, garden produce and scrapbooking. “It is a wonderful time to show off your skills and talents. I encourage everyone to enter the fair. It’s fun to share your creativity,” according to Tayla Snapp, Open Class Supervisor.

Tayla pointed out as the various division supervisors were setting up quilts and woodwork projects that open class entries are way down again this year. Especially low this year was cooking and garden produce. “We have so much talent in this county. We sure would like people to share those talents and new ideas,” she said.

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks, MT 43 News Photographer
Image 1 Caption: Best of Show Quilt by Deanne Flaws Nancy Marks, MT 43 News Photographer
Image 2 Caption: Pottery Specialist Teddy Lewis helps out Fine Arts open class entry superintendent Emily Clark set up paintings and photography entries. Also shown Sandy Schmit and Amy Terry. Nancy Marks, MT 43 News Photographer
Image 3 Caption: Open Class Entry volunteers confer on how to interest more people in entering the fair. Left to right: Deseree Taves, Val Hornsveld, Janai Merkel, Lacey Jepson and Tayla Snap, open class entry manager. Nancy Marks, MT 43 News Photographer
Image 4 Caption: Another unusual quilt entry. Nancy Marks, MT 43 News Photographer