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Letter To The Editor: Black Butte Copper Mine By An Eminent Threat
Author: Jackson Ballard

Black Butte Copper Mine- Eminent Threat

The Little Belt Mountains in central Montana have been a hunting ground I’ve utilized for years, offering some of my most memorable days. Reflecting on my time in these mountains, I feel a responsibility to conserve them. The Little Belts provide crucial habitat for elk and deer and serve as a migratory corridor for various bird species.

If you’ve hunted in 416, you know that its blend of public and private and Block Management, makes Forest Service lands incredibly valuable. These access points ensure that hunters like me can continue to enjoy these lands for future generations. However, mining could lead to restricted access for hunters and drive elk away from their natural habitats.

The proposed Black Butte copper mine by Sandfire Resources stands as an eminent threat. Sandfire has quietly accumulated nearly 700 mineral leases on public lands, which will disrupt the habitat and migratory patterns of the wildlife.

I recently signed a petition urging the U.S. Forest Service to initiate a mineral withdrawal on the public lands around the Smith River. This action would temporarily remove federally owned public lands around the Smith from new mining claims to protect cultural, environmental, or recreational values.

It's up to us to conserve our resources. I urge all who value the Smith and the Little Belts to join me in calling on the Forest Service to conserve our public lands by initiating a mineral withdrawal.

Jackson Ballard