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What Are We Eating?
Author: Bill Garwood

What Are We Eating?

While trying to cut my sugar consumption, I began to really read the labels of food products. Yikes! Have you ever stopped to read the labels on food? If you have, raise your hand, (HAH got you again I can’t see you…or can I?)

Things aren’t always what they seem, and I’m not talking about the Government. Did you know years ago when the so-called “Scientists” told us that margarine was way better for you than butter, that they were out right lying to us. (I know big surprise) It was found a few years ago that “butter is natural” AMAZING that it took a scientist to discover that! Also: that Margerine is only one molecule away from being PLASTIC! Wow, talk about an artificial life form we are becoming one.

I went looking for a sugar free breakfast cereal, YEAH RIGHT. Even the plain old flakes, (again NOT talking about our government) are loaded with sugar. I could not find a single sugar free cereal with low to no sugar. The one I finally picked up is Crispix, it’s about as low as any. If you want to get a shock, look at most all canned goods. Some of the “Needed” ingredients include good old xanthan gum, high fructose corn syrup (a REALLY Bad Bad) potassium gluconate. And many more weird science experiment-sounding substances. Hmmm maybe the thought of SOMEBODY experimenting on the people of Earth, isn’t so far-fetched as it seems.

We all know that in order to bring food to our stores it needs to be preserved and transported across the country to sell. Ok, but why not grow & process the food closer to the people? In the old days there were MORE gardens than today. Gardens where people would bring their food to general stores to sell to their town. Good FRESH food, even the beef/chicken/pork, was butchered locally and sold at market. BUT our learned scientists said, NO, this “fresh” food is bad for us. REALLY? So all the big healthy young folks that were raised on fresh food are wrong? (You know what’s coming don’t you.) BUZZ, Wrong answer, but thank you for playing.

It seems like certain people who get a bunch of learning, seem to turn it back on itself. “They went to college, so whatever theory they put out MUST be right. A few hundred years of growing and eating our own food must be bad…because THEY, didn’t tell us HOW to grow products. (HEAVY SIGH).

I have been stationed places where you might end up eating most anything. However here we should be able to count on our food being at the very least NOT MOVING! Check your labels, IF possible, buy American and enjoy your eating.