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Suicide Prevention Through Education


Linda Huth, Canton Women's Club
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

Suicide Prevention Through Education Linda Huth, Canton Women's Club The Canton Woman’s Club has existed in Broadwater County for almost a century. There are over 3,000 clubs nationwide. This organization is dedicated to promoting civic improvements through volunteer service. According to Wikipedia, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs remains one of the world’s largest and oldest nonpartisan, nondenominational, women’s volunteer service organizations.

The theme for this year’s state president is “Suicide Prevention through Education”. So following that theme, the local club has been working on local projects to bring attention to this most important topic.

The club sponsored one of Melinda Holom’s windows, which are dressed in local businesses, to bring attention to this important issue.

Melinda Holom is the Broadwater County Peer Recovery Coach. She attended a meeting of the local organization to explain her duties and gave insight into suicide prevention.

On November 30 members of the Canton Women’s Club presented the Broadwater High School Junior and Senior students with wristbands. These wristbands have both a text number (MT741741) and a phone number (988) on them. These numbers are for anyone who is in crisis and feels there is no one they can talk to, they can use one of these numbers and find help.

It is the hope of the club members that students will be provided with these wristbands and if they save even one life, the effort has been a success.

Prior to the presentation members attended a Mental Health class during which Captain Nick Rauser of the Broadwater County Police Department made a moving presentation of issues facing today’s young people; one of those issues being suicide.

Article Images

Click on Image Thumbnail(s) to view fullsize image
PhotoCredit: Linda Huth
Image 1 Caption: Suicide Prevention Window at the Creative Closet
Image 2 Caption: Nick Rauser, Sheri Heavrin, Linda Huth, Bonnie Berglind, Carol McGuire
Image 3 Caption: The two sides of the Suicide Prevention Wristband