This Week In History - August 15
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Museum Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
August 15
“Winston Store Wrecked”
A terrific storm raged around Winston on Friday afternoon of last week to the extent that lightning and wind destroyed Mires’ store building. In the building at the time were Mr. Mires, his wife and two children and Andrew Grubb. The building was demolished and how the occupants escaped without serious injury is a wonder. Mr. Mires sustained some bruises, but the other occupants of the building came through without a scratch.
“Doings of a Week”
Chas. Lippert started work Monday with his threshing outfit on the Meloy ranch, which has 850 acres of grain to thresh. The first day was only a try-out of the new machine and to get things in working order. After a trip to town with the big engine for a supply of fuel the machinery is running in full blast.
H.O. Miller shipped out this week to the East Helena smelter about a ton and a half of rich ore from his Diamond City mine. In addition to that he also brought in a quantity of the real yellow stuff which he had worked out in the mill at the mine.
“Personal News”
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richtmeyer came out from Helena yesterday for an overnight visit with Mr. and Mrs. A.G. McCormick and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ewing and son, Dick, returned Friday night from Choteau.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tarrant and daughters, June and Ethel, are enjoying this week in Glacier Park.
Clyde Alley left here Tuesday for Browning seeking work with his large truck. He just finished a week’s work on the Broadwater dam.
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Ragen and son, Pat, and Miss Mary Connors returned Tuesday from a motor trip that started at the Great Falls fair and wound up at Spokane by way of Glacier Park.
Miss Mary Charlotte Doggett, who has been visiting her mother here for two weeks, returned to her schooling in Butte Wednesday. Miss Doggett is attending the St James nursing school.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gill departed for Billings to attend the Midland Empire Fair.
“Toston Briefs”
Guests at the Anzik home over the week end were Nina and Natalie Plummer.
Miss Barbara Berberet accompanied Mrs. Gladys Johnson to Boulder Sunday evening where she spent a couple of days with her sister, Jean.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flynn attended the wedding of Mike Valentine and Nancy Bodner in Belt last Saturday.
“Local News”
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwisow were their son, Kenneth and his wife, Jean Marie of Merced, Calif.; their daughter, Linda, of Salt Lake City, Utah; they son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Neil Weare and son, Kevin of Missoula; Mr. Schwisow’s brother, William, and his son-in-law, Glen Legoe of Bellingham, Wash.
Miss Rhonda Olsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Olsen, celebrated her 6th birthday Thursday, Aug 8 with a party. Her guests were Suzie and Jennifer Fischer, Jackie, Johnnie and Susie Sautter, Brenda and Gerry Olsen, Debbie Sautter of Helena and her brothers and sisters, Teresa, Debbie and Jeff. Games were played and refreshments were served.
“Around Town”
Abe and Cathy Fandrich, A.J., David and Scott of Clancy visited Betty and Ray Horne, Karen, Horne and Valerie and Dave Middlemas, J.R. and Charity and Deena and Lonnie Gobbs, Lane and Casey on Saturday.
Jean Johnson reported on the Toston people involved with the float in the Sunday parade. Riding on the float were Jean Johnson; Jill and K.C. Johnson; Colten, Chandler and Tara Lane; Cathy Dundas and daughter; Judy Slifka; Joyce Lane; Wilma Norsby; Jennifer and Eric Johnson; Joanne Motta, Kyle and Kami, Dallas, Texas; and Donna Slifka, Bakersfield, Calif. Driving the float were Bill Lane and Dollie Hazel.
Jennifer Sorheim, Dylan and Taylor of Enumclaw, Wash, have been at Gary Mattson’s the past three weeks. Bob Sorheim was here for a week, but returned to Washington as duty called. Bob will return this week end to pick up his family and return to Washington. While in own, the Sorheims attended Jennifer’s 10-year reunion and have been busy visiting family and friends.