Golden Years?
Author: Bill Garwood
Golden Years?
Maybe IF you find a “Gold” mine, and dig up a fortune then you could have your “Golden Years”. But you would still have creaky bones, and aches in places you haven’t used in years. It’s called getting older! Only folks who are younger, or haven’t reached their so-called Golden years think it gets easier. YEAH RIGHT!
We all fight against feeling, thinking, or acting OLD. Multiple vitamins & supplements. Along with exercising, and daily workouts. This all works a bit, but “time marches on”. Very true HOWEVER, “WE DON’T HAVE TO LIKE IT!” Keeping fit not only helps your body stay feeling younger, it helps your mind feel like you are actually accomplishing something. NOT sitting around in a rocking chair sighing at everything around you.
Interestingly enough I find that small “Pet Peeves”, seem to intensify as we get older. Some little nagging sound from your neighborhood, or even from your home can drive you crazy so you have to get up and do something about it. (No, shooting your neighbor’s dog is wrong.) No matter how much you REALLY want to. IF you have a dripping faucet or running refrigerator do something about it BEFORE you go to bed! Stand in your house and listen, if you hear something “noisy” track it down. Then listen again no noise, GOOD. NOW you can sleep better, until the next minor catastrophe.
If you hear some younger person saying you are old, Look at them and GRIN widely. Say to them “Mother Nature is coming for you”. Watch their eyes get big and they start to tremble. Now THEY won’t sleep well. HAH! I’m still looking for my manual, the one that tells you all about your body & mind as you get older. I think I put it in a place so I’d know where it is….And promptly forgot it.
Nobody warns us about our bodies starting to sound like a haunted house, with all the creaks and snaps. There are the moans that come out of us, without even trying to haunt a house. (That’s a great insult also, if someone is bothering you tell them “Aw GO HAUNT A HOUSE”! good fun.) I thought about writing a Human Being Manual, a Male version of course. I don’t want to get in trouble for somebody thinking I’m a sexist for mentioning something I know nothing about. I have enough trouble thinking about the Male body and mind. God forbid I should try to understand the Female mind & body. Yikes.
So exercise, start getting to feeling better. Drink Beer....I mean nutrition drinks, hydrate! I want you all, and ME to be around a long time, so we can all sit on our porches and yell at the kids “Get off my lawn!”